/ / Fictitious marriage for obtaining Russian citizenship. Recognizing marriage as fictitious

Fictitious marriage for obtaining Russian citizenship. Recognizing marriage as fictitious

Fictitious marriage in Russia began to exist withthe moment of formation of the family institution. The holy concept was used to achieve personal greed. In Russian law, there is clause 1 in article 27, which provides a definition that a fictitious marriage is concluded for the purpose of obtaining state benefits or material benefits, not having the desire to create a family.

fictitious marriage for obtaining Russian citizenship

What benefits can you get from the conclusion of a fictitious marriage?

A large number of people are constantly thinking aboutthe possibility of entering into a business marriage. This fact is determined by several factors that bring good benefits to the participants in the process. So, there can be many reasons for making a decision to marry not for the creation of a family, for example:

  • the opportunity to take possession of the property benefits of a partner or to appropriate his established business;
  • fictitious marriage for obtaining citizenship of Russia or another country, most often people are driven by the opportunity to leave for another state to permanent residence;
  • a residence permit or simply the possibility of staying on the territory of the country is also relevant when entering into a fictitious marriage;
  • unwillingness to serve in the army and deliberate avoidance of civil duty;
  • registration of pension payments;
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • obtaining official registration in the territory of the selected state in a simplified manner.

Of course, a fictitious marriage has positivehand, if the issue of obtaining Russian citizenship is particularly acute. A foreign citizen or a stateless person becomes a Russian citizen only after 3 years of marriage with a Russian woman (Federal Law No.62 of May 30, 2002). A child who is born in such a family immediately gets all the rights that are available in the Russian Federation. Separate categories need to live more than 5 years in Russia. Migrants are especially uneasy: for obtaining an elementary residence permit, good reasons are required.

recognition of marriage as fictitious

When did the procedure become the most popular in Russia?

In the 90's many girls dreamed of a beautifullife abroad. To do this, we decided on a fictitious marriage. The citizenship of the chosen country could be obtained only by marrying the representative of another state. No difficulties and dangers did not stop the desperate girls on their way to the cherished goal. The illegality of such actions, adults are always aware.

Men from other states also aspire toa good life, therefore, mainly representatives of Eastern nationalities wish to conclude a fictitious marriage for obtaining Russian citizenship, as in our country for them more favorable living conditions and getting the status of an officially working person.

The search for a fictitious partner and the nature of the agreement

To organize a fictitious marriage to obtaincitizenship of Russia, it is enough to study the World Network, where a large number of proposals on cooperation will open for mutual benefit. An important condition is attentiveness and full concentration on the process, as a lot of scammers profit from these situations. It is recommended to take a receipt from the partner about the awareness of the nature of the relationship. Also, all the main points that may be controversial are prescribed.

 fictitious marriage in Russia

Firms for the selection of fictitious spouses

There is another way of getting to knowinterested person. It consists in applying to specialized firms that are engaged in a qualified selection of candidates for the role of a fictitious spouse. In this case, you can be sure of the security of the transaction, as fraud is excluded. Also professionals will help to draw up all the necessary documents. But there is a minus - the services of such agents are expensive, so the entire transaction will have an impressive invoice for payment.

Algorithm of actions for the conclusion of business marriage

The success of any event is to choose the correct sequence of steps. Scheme of actions to formalize a fictitious marriage for obtaining Russian citizenship:

  • find a suitable candidate for the implementation of the plan;
  • discuss the details of the marriage, for how long the union is concluded, find out the price of the issue;
  • to ensure compliance with all parameters (partners are adults, do not have any mental abnormalities, do not have other wives and spouses, are not relatives);
  • submit a standard application to the registry office.

fictitious marriage in Moscow

Requirements for foreign citizens

To make a fictitious marriage in Moscow or another city of Russia, a foreigner does not need to collect a special package of documents. By the time of registration, the couple must have:

  • a standardized statement signed by both parties;
  • the document proving the identity (passport);
  • a certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage (if it was);
  • documents from the permanent residence of a foreign citizen.

Is there a penalty for joining a fictitious marriage?

In the territory of the Russian Federation, recognitionmarriage fictitious does not bear any criminal responsibility or other punishment. In general, these actions are considered illegal, but the proposed bills on methods of influence were not adopted. Fraudulent marriages are only punishable with a view to legalizing the offender. According to official statistics, about 10 percent of marriages in Moscow are recognized as fictitious. In this case:

  • the recognition of a marriage as invalid from the moment of its conclusion;
  • the property acquired for the time lived is considered common and is divided according to Article 34 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation;
  • in proving fraud of one partner to another, the guilty party is obliged to pay compensation;
  • all received benefits and the fact of obtaining citizenship are annulled;
  • a foreigner must leave Russia within 15 days, if this condition is not met, the person will be deported.

If a child is born into a marriage, such a union can not be considered fictitious under any circumstances.

fictitious marriage price

The price of fictitious marriage

Some people go to great lengths to conclude an official fictitious marriage. The price of the service is directly dependent on the territorial location of the potential candidate:

  • Moscow and St. Petersburg - 100 thousand rubles without the right to register;
  • large cities of federal significance - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • small provincial cities - 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • villages and villages - 5-7 thousand rubles.

fictitious marriage

Risks and possible problems

Relations of a fictitious nature,registered in the registry office, have a sufficient number of risks, even though they are not criminally punishable. Most often, Russian women become victims of swindlers and scammers, whose trust is used by cunning foreigners. The spent scheme is most often used to acquire property and cash. Also, men use all methods to charm a new acquaintance, promise a happy life, and after marriage they claim to have a living space and other property. If a woman remains deceived, she can go to court trying to prove a fraudulent plan. Practice shows that it is extremely difficult to implement.

A situation may also occur whenan agreement on a fictitious marriage was, but one of the partners at the appointed time does not want to dissolve the union. Such conditions significantly complicate the divorce proceedings.

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