Do you know what kinds of marriages exist?
Institute of the family in the modern worldtransformed, and quite strongly. Today, family relations have somewhat simplified, mutated and become different than a hundred years ago. It's amazing, but today you can count 30 types of marriage!
We are used to the fact that there is a traditionalThe kind of marriage that is in the registry office. By the way, only this is considered legitimate. He is not inferior to his popularity and church marriage, that is, the wedding, when the souls of the newlyweds connect the priest with the help of various religious rites. And, of course, the actual marriage is very popular today (in the people - civil), in other words - the cohabitation of two young people without legalizing their relations officially. Here, it would seem, that's all. But in the modern world there are other types of marriages.
Today, there are also such marriages thatoften interested in the police. First of all, this is a fictitious one, which is created by two people for their own benefit. But there is no family as such in this marriage. Basically, such relationships are registered in order to obtain material benefits or a residence permit, and this is often prosecuted by law.
Material basis
Also not a new concept for many will be marriage oncalculation. In this scenario, one (or even two) of the couple enter into a family relationship, guided not by feelings, but by the opportunity to receive a certain material condition. By the way, this kind of marriage existed at all times, and it is considered quite strong and persistent, as often people together hold large enough money.
There are also such types of marriages as mesalliance andits variety is a morganatic marriage. These terms refer to people who enter into formal relations, but initially belong to different social strata, classes, classes. By the way, in a morganatic marriage, a person of a lower class can not improve his position.
There are also such types of marriages, which for us,ordinary citizens, seem to be just customs, although in certain countries they have existed for a long time on an official basis. For example, bride kidnapping is also an opportunity to marry in certain cultures (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Caucasus, Ethiopia, etc.), but in developed countries such actions are punishable by law. Levirat is also one of the forms of marriage when a widow is obliged to remarry for the next of kin of her husband.
New Marriages
It is worth considering and modern types of marriage, amongwhich today is very popular is a virtual marriage. It is between people in social networks, has no legal power and is often short in time, since basically people who enter into such relationships are familiar with each other only in absentia, on the Internet. A trial marriage is also considered new, when people simply try to live together, temporarily not formulating their relations (a kind of actual marriage).
A little more
There are other types of marriages, revisewhich can be quite a long time. This group, same-sex, open, as well as mixed and even marriage with the deceased! But those kinds of marriages, which we considered above, are more common in everyday life, that's why they were given attention.