/ / Job description of the kindergarten teacher and assistant caregiver

Job description of the kindergarten teacher and assistant caregiver

Almost all parents upon reaching the childof a certain age send him to the garden. Not everyone can afford to keep a nanny. To the choice of pre-school educational institution adults are with great responsibility. In the first turn, attention is paid to the educator, who will be with the child in the absence of parents. It should be a person who really likes kids and finds a common language with them. And all the rights and duties of a pre-school employee describes the job description of the kindergarten teacher.

Who can become a teacher?

In order to start working in the preschoolinstitution, you need to get a diploma of higher education in the relevant specialty. A person who does not know the basics of pedagogy can not be admitted to children. Job description of the preceptor of the DOW indicates that an employee with a medical certificate can be admitted to work with the kids. This means that before entering the workplace you need to undergo a complete examination.

job description of a kindergarten teacher
The educator obeys the head and the director. To enter a position or leave it can only be done by an appropriate order. Any controversial issues or non-standard situations arising in the course of work are discussed with top management. In his work, the educator should be guided by the job description, as well as the internal regulations of the pre-school educational institution.

Working day of the teacher

Most kindergartens begin their workalready at 7 am. At this time, the educator should already be in the institution to receive the first children. In each group, two caregivers usually work. Work passes in shifts. This allows employees to be less tired and give more attention to children. The schedule of the teacher is compiled by the head of preschool and approved by the director.

job description

Job description of the junior educatordescribes the number of hours that need to be worked out within a week. A full-time schedule includes 36 working hours. A pre-school employee is also entitled to leave, which can be 42 calendar days. In addition, you can apply for a weekend at your own expense.


Job description kindergarten teacherdescribes the main duties of the employee. First and foremost, the specialist must carefully supervise the children entrusted to him. Toddlers should have a good state of health and a psychological state. If the child complains of pain or behaves unnaturally, the educator must immediately deliver it to the medical center and report the incident to the top management.

Together with medical personnel, the educator is obliged to carry out activities aimed at improving the health of children. This includes morning exercises, as well as daily walks on the street.

job description of a minor educator

For young children, the educator is obligedto carry out hygienic care. The adult should make sure that the child thoroughly washed his hands before eating, and after visiting the street and the toilet. Children under three years of age must be regularly planted on a pot. If the child is soiled, it must be changed and washed.

Children who came to kindergarten afterdisease, is given special attention. These guys need to be freed from physical and emotional stress. If the child continues to feel bad, you need to inform your parents. In some cases it makes sense to extend the sick leave.

Educational work

Job description of the caretaker assistantdescribes the main duties of such an employee in the field of education. A kindergarten specialist should plan lessons with children in accordance with approved state programs. Children 2-3 years are primarily trained in self-service. By the end of the year, they must be able to eat on their own, visit the toilet and dress. The tutor carefully prepares for the training. It is necessary to use various teaching aids and posters.

The most carefully developedprogram for the children of the preparatory group. The task of the educator is to teach children the letters and the basics of writing. If a specialist works with kids in good faith, they will go to school already with all the necessary initial skills. To study the letters, Zaitsev's technique or the "Primer" can be used. And that the child has learned to hold the handle correctly, he is offered to work with the words.

job description

Daytime sleep in kindergarten

Experienced pediatricians believe that a child under 6 years of agejust need a day's sleep. Within a few hours the body regains strength. The job description of the kindergarten educator describes the duties of a specialist in organizing the children's regime. The teacher together with his assistant should organize the day of the kids in such a way that the pupils managed not only to learn something new, but also to rest.

Daytime sleep in kindergarten usually lasts from 13:00 to 15:00. Two hours for children is enough to restore energy. Some babies do not want to sleep in kindergarten. Job description of the tutor DOW describes how to act in such cases. It should be explained to the child that it is necessary to behave quietly so as not to awaken the other kids. The child must lie in his bed until the end of a quiet hour. Even a simple rest without sleep allows you to restore your strength.

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Nutrition in the kindergarten

Mandatory for each preschool institutionis a four meals a day. Kids eat breakfast immediately, as soon as they come to the kindergarten, they have dinner before going to bed, have a snack after sleeping, and have supper before going home. Job description of the junior educator DOW describes how the teacher should behave with the children during meals. Babies who do not know how to keep a spoon on their own should be helped. It is also necessary to ensure that children eat only their portion. If possible, the baby can be offered an additive. It is important to remember that every child has his own eating needs.

Job description of the caretaker assistantdescribes what appliances should be used during eating. Children under 4 years are not allowed to use forks. This cutlery is traumatic. Assistant educator arranges dishes and devices in such a way that the kids do not interfere with each other during the consumption of food.

job description

Organization of outdoor walks

Fresh air is very important for normaldevelopment of the child. Walking in kindergarten must necessarily enter the regime of the day. The job description of the junior tutor describes how the employee should behave before taking the kids to fresh air. Pupils who are not yet able to self-service need help. We need to help every child dress and get dressed. It is necessary to ensure that the ward is comfortable and cozy.

 job description of a senior educator

Job description kindergarten teacherindicates that the specialist has no right to take the children out of the preschool. For walks there are special areas with sandpits and swings. Each group is assigned its own place. In exceptional cases, the caregiver can take the children out on an excursion to a city or a museum. In this case, it is necessary to obtain written permission from the higher management. A preschool age group can go out into the city accompanied by two adults. The educator is obliged to strictly observe the traffic rules and transfer children across the road only on the transition.

Adaptation of children to preschool institution

The first months in kindergarten are the mostdifficult for the child. The task of the educator is to create psychological comfort for the child, who yesterday was not separated from his mother even for an hour. The job description of the GPA educator describes how a specialist with nurseries of the nursery group should behave. It is necessary to let the child know that he will not be offended in the kindergarten, and that the educator is a person who can replace parents for a while.

Not the least role in the adaptation of the child toPreschool is also played by parents. Mom should explain to her son or daughter that she will soon have to go to work. The child will spend some time in the kindergarten. It is important to introduce the child in advance with the caregivers and the group. At first, the crumb can be left for several hours.

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The job description of the teacher for GEF is notdescribes the emotional component of the work of a specialist in preschool. However, everyone should understand that young children need warmth and affection. This is especially important for those kids who are just starting to attend kindergarten. The educator can hug and reassure the baby who cries for his mother. A little man should feel the attention and support.

What should the provider know?

For the position of a kindergarten specialistcome only by vocation. You will not get a good educator from a person who does not find a common language with children. But also one love to kids is not enough to become a qualified specialist. Job description of a senior educator DOW describes what a person should know in order to start working with preschool children. First of all, it is a convention on the rights of the child, as well as the basic methods of educational work. Also, the specialist must know the basic state laws and regulations related to the upbringing of preschool-age children.

Despite the fact that there is usually a nurse in the garden,the kindergarten teacher must know how to properly provide first aid before the doctor comes. The specialist annually passes courses of improvement of professional skill on protection of life and work. Also, the educator should know the rules of fire safety and rules of conduct in extreme situations.

Job description of the boarding educatordescribes the basic normative acts that a specialist working with disabled children should know. Such babies are given special attention. Usually groups in preschool institutions of this type consist of several people. This allows the educator to pay more attention to each child with disabilities.

 job description

Rights of the kindergarten teacher

A specialist in a preschool institution has rights,stipulated by the labor code. First of all, this is an opportunity to get a vacation, which includes 42 calendar days. Also, the caregiver is entitled to a week-end weekend. Within 7 days the specialist must work 36 hours. There is an opportunity to make a holiday at your own expense (no more than 14 days per year).

A specialist in preschool education has the rightTo introduce their own methods of education, if they give a good result. However, before starting the practice, it is necessary to discuss the nuances with the higher management.

A responsibility

Job description of a senior educatordescribes what the specialist is responsible for while the toddlers are in the preschool. First of all, an adult monitors the health of children in the group. Also, the specialist is responsible for compliance with all instructions and acts of a particular institution. Failure to comply with the work schedule is the reason for the dismissal of the tutor.

Let's sum up the results

Position as a tutor in a preschool institution -interesting and responsible at the same time. The specialist has many responsibilities. But if a person came to work really by vocation, there will be no problems.

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