/ / Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day

Teacher's day is undoubtedly an important holiday. The work of people of this profession is appreciated by society, because we trust them with our dear children at such an early age and, of course, rely on their responsibility and kindness. Those who love children and give them all their heart, and it was decided to dedicate the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers. It is celebrated on the 27th of September.

It is interesting that he has his own, entertaininghistory. The phrase "kindergarten" was taken from the German language, and the name "kindergarten" was introduced into the spoken language by the German teacher Friedrich Frobel. The very first official kindergarten in Russia was organized in the city of St. Petersburg, and it happened on September 27, in 1863.

In the garden, children from 3 to 8 years old were admitted. They taught basic skills and prepared for further education in the gymnasium, but everything happened in the form of a game. Teachers were encouraged by perseverance, curiosity, reading of the alphabet, a letter and a mathematical account. In the garden acquainted with the basics of spelling, and also engaged in progressive at that time construction.

Teacher's day is a significant day, because there is noa higher mission on earth than the upbringing of a child. Delicate hands, affectionate voice, and especially kind heart - that's what is especially needed at the beginning of life baby. In fact, the main mission of the educator is to become a loving mediator between the child himself and the society of adults.

The educator is a man who, without further adoour naive child lets in his inner world. That is why this festive Teacher's Day is so important for the parents. Future employees of pre-school institutions are trained in pedagogical colleges or universities. They receive an excellent knowledge base on child psychology, but without personal, special spiritual qualities in this profession, there is nothing to do. People who are not indifferent and who love children come here.

Teacher's Day is always cheerful and sincerecelebration. On this holiday everyone is having fun from the heart: both teachers and their little wards. Children's institutions for babies this day look especially solemn.

Employees of preschool institutions carry a verygreat responsibility to society, because it is in the preschool age that the personality of the little man is formed and the foundations of health are laid. These principles are laid by indifferent and competent teachers.

Teacher's Day is smiles, flowers and wishesmany years of life to those who are responsible for a happy, happy childhood and the future of every baby. In this profession, most of the women work. They value their profession and are confident in its importance for society.

Undoubtedly, on the Day of the teacher and all preschoolteachers and their assistants will be surrounded by the attention of the authorities, parents and especially the love of young children - their grateful pupils. They every day with a smile meet a little man at the threshold of the kindergarten. They wish him good morning and open a new world in which the deep inner world of the child is revealed.

On the Day of the teacher, congratulations sound from allheart. These are heartfelt wishes, which many pupils say for the first time. Of course, each of them has their own way in life, but love of the Motherland and philanthropy are initially planted in the kindergarten. The teacher teaches how to communicate with peers correctly, to behave in society. He gives confidence in his forces, shows how to deal with difficulties and make the right decisions.

On the day of the teacher, congratulations from small childrenwards - this is the most expensive gift for them. They have a reason to rejoice in this day, because they are growing small insecurities that will soon become worthy members of society.

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