/ / Safety during sewing. Workflow management rules

Safety during sewing. Workflow management rules

Danger lies in wait for a person at every turn,so doing anything requires caution. It must be respected in everything. Any subject of labor poses a certain threat to human health. Therefore, picking up a needle and a thread, it is necessary to remember that safety precautions should be followed when sewing.

What to beware of

Any tailor, tailor or seamstress know thatwork on sewing clothes or shoes, can seem simple only to an ignorant person. Its complexity lies not only in calculations and design issues. It is equally important that the safety process is followed during the whole process.

safety for sewing

When sewing a person must useVarious tools of labor, which initially carry a certain threat. For example, pins and needles can injure an arm, and an iron can cause a serious burn. Scissors are also considered an object of special danger. All this must be taken into account before taking up work. To the process itself brought joy, and did not create unnecessary problems, you need to be very careful. Therefore, safety during sewing must be observed. Almost every tool must be able to work properly. In addition, it is necessary to organize the process in such a way that the possible threat is minimal. The safety of sewing includes a set of rules and rules that must be met to obtain the desired result.

Sewing work

Some believe that security concerns only work in production. This is not quite true. At home a needle in the person's hand is also a certain threat.

safety rules for sewing

Therefore, it is always necessary to observe the safety rules for sewing. There are very few of them:

  1. During work, you must be extremely careful.
  2. To avoid an accident, it is better to use only serviceable and clean tools.
  3. In case of serious injuries or burns, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.
  4. Be careful when working with electrical appliances andDo not touch bare wires. And in case of violation of the insulating coating, wrap the damaged area with tape or other material to avoid electric shock.
  5. Do not throw on the table needles, pins and other fasteners, and collect them on a special pad.
  6. Scissors should always be located to the right of themselves with tightly closed blades pointing in the opposite direction. Tell the other person they need them so that he can immediately take up the rings.

These are just the most basic safety rules for sewing. For each individual stage of work and the tool has its own special subtleties.

Safety at school

At school, middle class pupils are already startingto master the technology of tailoring of some products. This is provided by the curriculum. Teachers must ensure that safety practices are observed at sewing lessons. Mostly it concerns girls, and the discipline itself is called "housekeeping". Boys have more to do with locksmith and lathe work. Girls learn to make patterns, and then use them to create ready-made garments.

safety precautions

This work is usually associated with such tools,As scissors, needles, pins, gluing gun, sewing machine. In addition to the basic rules for handling such items, students are required to strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic rules:

  1. Work should be in the apron and armlets or use a special robe.
  2. Hair should always be gathered under a kerchief.
  3. Keep clean at the workplace.
  4. Ensure that the light must fall only on the left side.

Also the teacher should explain the rules of handling all the tools:

  1. Needles should be sharp and not rusty. They can never be taken in the mouth. In the event of a breakage, the damaged items should be stored in a specially designated box, and not thrown to the floor.
  2. Scissors should be well adjusted and sharpened. Use them only for the purpose and do not leave in the position with the blades open.

All these subtleties the teacher should tell the girls before they begin to work.

Handling of machinery

Special attention should be paid to safety when sewing on a typewriter. It must be respected not only in production or in school, but also at home.

safety during sewing

Mechanisms with a foot drive are most often used, so it is better to consider a set of rules on their example. During the work you need:

  1. Work in a kerchief so that the hair does not fall under the foot along with the fabric.
  2. Ensure that there are no foreign objects on the machine surface.
  3. Observe the correct position of the body, legs and hands. The back should be kept evenly, slightly bending forward.
  4. Check that the product does not remainpins, as when sewing, they can fall under the foot. Broken pieces are able not only to damage the machine itself, but create a certain danger to the eyes.
  5. Before you start, you must constantly check the integrity of the cord and plug it into the outlet, only by holding the plug.
  6. The pedal of the machine is pressed smoothly, so as not to damage the belt.
  7. Hands should be kept in close proximity to the cradle, but do not tuck them under it.

Observing all the above rules, you can be sure that in the process of work there will be no problems.

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