Morning exercise for the elderly: features, exercises, rules and recommendations
Morning exercises are simple movements,You need to execute immediately after you wake up. This rule to adhere to is extremely important for both young and old people. And the latter category needs regular exercise, even more, because life on retirement and concomitant diseases reduces the motor activity to a minimum. Do not think that you now rest a day or two and unpleasant feelings will recede. It is worth lying on the couch at least a day, and the next morning it will be even harder to get up. Charging for the elderly is the path to a long and happy life, without muscle and joint pain.

Experience of ancestors
In fact, even in ancient Rome, healers knew aboutuse of exercise. But then it was hard to imagine a living person who was lying or sitting as much as an average pensioner himself can afford. Charging for the elderly is the key to the activity and vivacity that many are lacking.
Often, people who regularly perform gymnastics,abandon this occupation after 40-50 years. And in vain. A person deprives himself of a natural load, and as a result, the movements become awkward, vivacity and liveliness disappear. And the main reason is just the lack of exercise. Remember any mechanism that is standing idle for a while. Is it easy to return it to work? A person is an even more complex system.
The role of exercise
Charging for the elderly is so powerfula healing effect that sometimes can argue even with modern drugs. It is with retirement that gymnastics is of great importance for increasing life expectancy. Systematically performed, conducted by a special method, it has a beneficial effect on all internal organs and systems, and also increases work capacity.

General principles for charging for older people
First of all, you need to consult the districttherapist. He, regularly monitoring your health, may suggest which exercises to do is not recommended and with whom of the experts you still need to consult before starting your daily workouts.
Charging for the elderly is not hard workand punishment, but an easy and pleasant procedure. The load should begin with the smallest and gradually grow, along with the patient's desire to perform the exercises further. No violence against yourself should not be, do exactly as much as you can. If you feel pain during the performance of an exercise, it is a signal to stop.
All exercises should be performed in a calm,measured mode. Charging for the elderly is not a practice of the Spartan, here you will not need any records. Very important and proper rhythmic breathing. The room should be well ventilated, and before classes it is useful to just walk around the room for a few minutes.

Prevention of joint stiffness and osteoporosis
This is problem number one at retirement age.which is easy to solve morning exercises for the elderly. It is necessary to perform exercises every day, gradually increasing the load. The complex begins with exercises for the neck. This is the most problematic part of our skeleton, very often headaches are a consequence of the problems of this particular section of the spine.
You can start exercising while lying in bed. To do this, perform several times bending and unbending the neck back and forth. Try to keep the movements as comfortable as possible. Then follow the neck from one shoulder to the other. You can make from three to ten repetitions in each direction. Completing the complex turns the neck to the right and left.

Hand exercises
Charging for older women must necessarilyinclude hand movements. Varicose veins, blood stasis, thrombosis are all not uncommon phenomena at retirement age. Of course, drug treatment has not been canceled, but therapeutic exercises work very well against the background of medication.
Now you can sit down and do the exercises for the hands. First of all, bend and unbend the phalanges of the fingers. Having worked them properly, you can proceed to bending the entire brush. After this, circular movements are performed with the hands. First, clockwise, and then against it. The last exercise of this complex is the flexion of the arms in the elbow joints. Hands while straightened to the sides. Morning exercise for the elderly can be a fun pastime, especially if both spouses are interested in it.

Exercises for legs and torso
Still sitting on the bed, alternately makesqueezing and unclenching toes. Exercise is very simple, which means that you will not have problems with performing repetitions. After that, roll your feet in different directions. About 10-15 times in each direction, but more is possible.
If you are tired, you can get up and a littlewalk around the room and then continue. Further you are waited by a stretching of the feet and pulling them up. Perform the exercise sitting. Now you are waiting for knee bends and light squats.
Muscle Building Exercises
Even if the load on the heart is completelycontraindicated, you can pick up a number of isometric exercises that do not harm in any diseases. The bottom line is that a person cuts a certain muscle and, overcoming resistance, keeps it in this state for several seconds. For each group of muscles you can create your own complex. For example, for small muscles of the hands and fingers there is a well-known exercise, very simple and effective. You just need to put the fingers of the left hand to the right and evenly press on them. For the muscles of the shoulder girdle, there is a no less familiar warm-up option. Hook the handles into the lock and, without unclamping it, pull your hands in different directions. Isometric exercises, despite the apparent simplicity and ease, should be selected individually by the attending physician.

Preventive ventilation
Be sure to finish the morning complexbreathing exercises. Despite the fact that we breathe constantly, usually only the upper part of the lungs is ventilated. To use the rest of their area, you need to perform a simple exercise every day. From a sitting position, slowly spread your arms to the sides, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and take a deep breath. Hands at this time lead to the rib cage.
Now take a deep breath, raise your hands.up and hold your breath for a second. Then make a deep exit, pressing the arms folded on the chest to the rib cage, and pull the legs bent at the knees to the stomach.
Prevention of varicose veins and thrombosis
Morning exercises for older women are requiredshould include such exercises, since it is among the fair sex that the problem of varicose veins is the most urgent. Exercises for the prevention and correction of this disease are quite simple, but at the same time effective.
Lying on your back, lift your legs up and twistbicycle pedals After the end of the exercise, take a few minutes to take a break and perform a movement similar to the scissors. Daily performance of such a gym will greatly improve the quality of your life.