/ / The most effective exercises for the press

The most effective exercises for the press

So, let's start recovery of the press after childbirth or years of "doing nothing", as a result of which many become "happy" owners of a flabby abdomen.

To begin with, let's try to find out what ispress. The absolute majority divides it into "upper" and "lower". We'll stop here. The muscles of the press, as they say, are in fact ONE abdominal, and there are no upper and lower presses. It is a single muscle, divided into "cubes" by tendons. Of course, we share them. Just some exercises load more of his upper department, while others - the lower one. Therefore, whatever you swing, the "lower" or "upper" press, you load the entire muscle. There are at least a dozen different exercises for training the abdomen.

The complex of exercises for the press should be selected individually and with the help of an experienced coach. Only he can, according to your goals and condition of muscles, pick up the most effective exercises for the press.

Men can pump a press easier than women inthe strength of physiology, and this must also be taken into account. If you for any reason can not attend a fitness club, then you can perform a set of exercises on the press at home, because they do not require special devices. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules that exist for such exercises at home and without a coach to have the maximum effect. The fact is that if the exercises are not performed correctly, you can not only not achieve the desired result, but also harm yourself by stretching or incorrectly loading the wrong group of muscles. It is very important not to make mistakes, because incorrect exercises will negate even the most effective exercises for the press.

No less important is the schedule of training,which should be designed in such a way that after loads your muscles have time to rest, because the muscles of the press are the same as the rest, and they need rest. Shaking the press every day, you will not achieve anything. Training should be no more than 2-3 times a week.
It is believed that the most effective exercises for the press are lifting the trunk and lifting the legs from the prone position.

Lifting the trunk

Lying on your back, bend your knees andfix them - at home for this perfect sofa or battery. Cross your arms over your chest. It is not necessary to link them behind your head. You will unconsciously help yourself with them, thereby burdening your neck, which can lead to painful sensations. When doing the exercise, it is enough to tear off the scapula from the floor, leaving the lower back on the floor (tearing the lower back from the floor, you include the muscles of the buttocks and waist). Watch your breath: the exhalation should be in the phase of tension, that is, the moment you rise, and the inspiration should be made in the stage of relaxation, that is, when you touch the shoulder blades of the floor. Absolutely nothing to try to reach his head to his feet. It is enough just to break off the blades. The number of approaches, for a start, no more than 3, repetitions - no more than 10.

Lifting the legs

Lying on the floor, on the back, we put our hands alongtorso. They will act as a position stabilizer. On exhalation we tear off the legs from the floor and raise them to 45 degrees and lower them again, taking a breath. The number of approaches, for a start, no more than 3, repetitions - no more than 10.

If you are just starting to exercise, this exercise can be done by bending your knees.

I would like to note that the most effectiveexercise for the press, such as lateral slopes with weights, is not at all suitable for women. Girls, if you want to "bury" your waist, bravely do exercises on oblique abdominal muscles. The waist can not be reduced by inclines to the sides, since its thickness is laid down at the genetic level. You also need to remember that even the most effective exercises for the press do not remove fat from the waist, no matter how hard you try. Fat leaves evenly from the entire body and, lastly, from the abdomen and thighs. The result can be achieved only with regular training of the whole body and proper nutrition.

Do not try to load the press in one day. The main thing is not hurrying to enter the rhythm without strong pain.

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