/ / The Simplest Exercises for Flat Belly

The Simplest Exercises for a Flat Belly

Who among us does not dream of a flat stomach and thinwaist. In a dream, we see how the extra folds disappear, and you can wear open topics and show your press. But a flat stomach is just the beginning of the path. Exercises for a flat stomach mean exercises for all the muscles of the press. On the main surface of the abdomen is a flat rectus muscle, which is divided into squares by strips of connective tissue. On each side of it are oblique muscles, which help the straight muscle to produce the torso of the trunk to the sides.

Since the muscles are three, then inflate the press andto do a flat stomach is a complex of exercises. Any exercise acts either on the bottom or on the top of the rectus muscle. There is even a formula: when you lift your legs (knees), then the bottom of the press works, if you lift the case, then the bottom of the press works. A oblique abdominal exercises for exercise use the diagonal movement of the trunk and legs. To get normal loads, you need to practice three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. However, if such loads do not help, then it should be increased to 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes. It should also be borne in mind that exercise for a flat stomach will not help without dieting.

An important rule: any exercise for the abdomen must be done on exhalation. When breathing in, the air supply in the lungs interferes with the correct bending of the trunk. It is necessary to follow the lower back. When you feel pain or discomfort in the lower back of the exercise, you need to replace it with another, similar. If the next day after the session there was a pain in the lower back, then this is already a sign of serious malfunctions with her. Here you can train without paying attention to the pain, you must go to the doctor. This is also a very important rule. By the number of exercises: you need to choose the exercise for the upper and lower areas of the press and for the side (oblique) muscles. Make them in three sets for 15-20 repetitions. If this is a lot for you, then do less, but less than 10 repetitions can not be done, there will be no benefit.

Recommended exercises for a flat stomach:

Twisting (for the upper muscles of the press). Lying on the floor, bend your knees and legsput on the bench, cross your arms over your chest. Slowly lift the back of the head and the upper back from the floor. To look it is necessary in a ceiling and to reach not a neck, and a breast, bending a trunk. It is not necessary to sit down completely, but only to tear yourself away from the floor, as you can and return to its original position, keeping your head on weight.

Back torsion (for the bottom of the press). Lie on the floor, stretching his arms along the trunk. Bent at the knees, lift up and hold it a little bit. Strain your abdominal muscles and pull your knees up to your chest, lifting your hips. The legs should be constantly bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

Diagonal twists (for oblique muscles). Such exercises for the hips and abdomen especiallyeffectively act on all the muscles of the press and thighs. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and put your feet on the floor, hands behind your head. Raise your head and shoulders, then stretch your left shoulder to your right thigh. At the top, stop and return to the starting position. First, make a cycle of repetitions in one direction, then in another, but you can alternate between different repetitions.

Side elevations (for oblique muscles). Lying on the floor on your side, lean your elbow with a benthands on the floor. In this case, the other hand is stretched along the body. It is necessary to raise the body as high as possible due to the muscles of the press, without attracting either hands or feet. At the upper point, you need to stay and count to five, and then return very slowly to the starting position.

The exercises forflat stomach with the ball. Today there are more than one dozen exercises and whole complexes that will help get rid of unwanted folds at the waist and achieve the ideal shape of the abdomen.

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