/ / On the benefits of shrimp: calorie, choice, ways of cooking.

On the benefits of shrimp: calorie, choice, cooking methods.

What do you associate with the word "diet"? It is unlikely that a variety and delicious dishes. However, the rejection of high-calorie and hard cooked food does not mean that food should cease to give pleasure. Long time adherents of healthy food can share secrets about how to arrange a gourmet meal without deviations from the diet.

If you are somewhat dejected, eating lean soup,cottage cheese and, of course, useful apples, it's time to remember about such a favorite and almost any diet allowed delicacy, like shrimp, the calorie content of which, according to different data, is from 77 to 120 kcal per hundred grams. On the average, about 90 kcal. Of course, in boiled and purified form. Less - only boiled cod and pollock. But, you see, what a difference in taste!

These seafood are allowed for almost anydiet. They are allowed by the authors of the Kremlin and all sorts of protein diets, "Minus so much" and just at unloading days. Even such a strict type of diet, like "Bonn soup," allows them to be added to this product for a rare lover. Not zealous, shrimps can be used and with therapeutic diets. The only restriction may be the likelihood of an allergic reaction, especially in asthmatics, as well as when used in excessive quantities. Moreover, shrimps not only are not full, they help to dump superfluous! Therefore, if you really love shrimp, "calorie", "cholesterol" and other "terrible" words are not terrible for you. All because with a low fat content, this product provides us with enough protein, as well as omega-3 fats, belonging to the group of polyunsaturated. This makes them an especially valuable product for those who, in addition to caring for food, indulge their body and exercise.

Good news for those who careecological safety of products and everyone who cares about the careful attitude to our planet. In the guide for the buyer, published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), northern shrimp or chilima caught in the Atlantic Ocean, are safe for humans and make up their populations well. The question of the safety of the other variety, which is widely used as a delicacy, is a little more complicated. Royal prawns, caloric content of which amounts to the same 95 Kcal per 100 grams of boiled product, are of different origin and can often be grown harmful to humans and ecosystems. They have less vivid taste, but are loved by many as a spectacular table decoration and an independent dish. Be careful with the popular frozen "sea cocktails", which often include dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and other useless ingredients. Therefore, carefully study the packaging and look for a product that will bring you maximum benefit.

How to cook boiled shrimp? Caloric content of the prepared dish depends on the method of preparation. The easiest to assimilate are, of course, boiled shrimps, it does not matter whether you bought them in the shell or not. By the way, when buying it is important to check the absence of black spots and the place of catch. If shrimps were frozen in their raw form (see packaging), lower them into the already boiling water. Gourmets can pre-pour a little salt, bay leaf, pepper of any kind, cloves ... They are cooked for no more than five minutes. Purify after. Cook the boiled-frozen product in the water until it boils again. If you prefer fried shrimp, the calorie content will be slightly higher, about 150 Kcal per 100 grams. First, you should also lower them into boiling water, and then fry with any oil until all moisture evaporates.

Seafood can be part of and morecomplex dishes. If you want to cook a diet salad, and the main highlight in it will be shrimp, the calorie content will depend not only on the components of the salad, but mainly - from refueling. So do not abuse sauces like mayonnaise. The best companion is lemon juice, perhaps with a drop of vegetable oil. Feel the pleasure of a real healthy food, because taking care of yourself - it's nice and just tasty.

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