/ / How to pump pectoral muscles with dumbbells with the greatest effect

How to pump pectoral muscles with dumbbells with the greatest effect

The question is how to pump pectoral muscles with dumbbells,is asked very often by many people at specialized forums. We will give the main tips that will help with the most effective help athletes pump up the muscles of the chest.

One of the most effective methods of pumpingPectoral muscles is the use of dumbbells. Performing bench press with dumbbells on a comfortable bench will achieve high results, as this provides freedom in movement, which allows you to concentrate on the technique of performing exercises and attract the small stabilizing muscles that are necessary to improve mass gain. Also, using dumbbells allows you to adjust the muscles if the left or right one is pumped.

A set of exercises telling how to pump uppectoral muscles with dumbbells, should be performed 2 times a week. The first exercise is represented by inclined bench press of dumbbells, while the bench should be placed at a slope of 30-40 degrees. The weight of dumbbells is chosen from the calculation that they need to be raised at least 12 times. There are 3 approaches. In the first approach it will be necessary to do 6 times, in the second 8 times, and in the third 10 times. After that it is necessary to execute one more approach, which requires partner insurance. It requires squeezing 13 times. If everything goes well, next time you need to choose a dumbbell, which will be 250 grams heavier than the previous ones.

The second exercise, telling how to pump upPectoral muscles with dumbbells, is a dumbbell layout and is performed on an inclined bench. The order of execution is similar to the previous one. First, three approaches are used to warm up the muscles, and then the final power approach with the partner's insurance.

The dumbbell press lying on the direct bench isa basic exercise that helps to build up a lot of large muscles of the chest and to divide the right and left sides in relief. How to pump pectoral muscles with dumbbells using this method (technique of doing the exercise):

- The body should be kept exactly, and the back should be straight;

- Lift dumbbells above the breast;

- Hands must be stretched as much as possible;

- the wrist should remain straight;

- Lower the dumbbells almost to the level of the chest;

- again raise dumbbells with the maximum stretching of hands.

When doing this and other exercisesone should remember breathing, since its delays and inhalations help to stabilize the torso and the muscles of the chest. It is worth remembering that when you inhale the stabilizing muscles are weakened, so it is necessary to perform the inspiration after the most difficult period of the exercise.

For those who are interested in how to pump the internal pectoral muscles, it is recommended to exercise the dumbbell on the ball. The technique of this exercise:

- it is necessary to take the starting position on the ball (lie on it and bend the legs in the knees);

- the feet should be firmly pressed to the surface, and the dumbbells should be held over the chest in straight hands;

take a deep breath and hold your breath. Dilute the dumbbells in the sides, observing the right arc trajectories. In the lower position, you should take a short pause and return the dumbbells to their original position along the same trajectory;

to exhale.

To complicate this exercise, you can narrow the distance between the feet, which achieves an imbalance of balance and heavier technique.

There are also exercises for those who wishKnow how to pump the lower pectoral muscles. To do this, you can perform push-ups on the ball. Hands are placed on the ball, and the feet are placed and rest on the floor, while the body must remain straight. You should take a deep breath, hold your breath, bend your elbows, while lowering your body so that your chest touches the ball. After that, the elbows should be unbent and exhaled. To increase the complexity of the exercise, you can reduce the distance between the feet.

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