/ / How to pump pectoral muscles at home

How to pump pectoral muscles in the home

Many people think that this is quite simple, but still, it would be nice to reinforce the zeal for sports with some useful rules. These rules will give you an answer to the question: "How to effectively pump the chest?"

The first rule. Hvat. When pumping your chest, you can have your hands on different widths. It is worth remembering that with a narrow grip, mainly the muscles of the hands, and not the pectorals. This view is suitable for beginners. If you are engaged long enough, and you want to work specifically on the chest, then you will be more comfortable with a wide grip. The optimal position of the arms is slightly wider than the shoulders. In this case, the load is evenly distributed to the upper belt.

Rule two. Do not forget that the higher you raise your hands in exercises such as barbell - the more you will use those groups of pectoral muscles, which in your daily life you simply do not work.

The third rule. It is worth remembering that the maximum benefit you get from push-ups in the event that your legs are above the body level.

The fourth rule. It's about technology. Expanding the hands should be sharp. Compression should be on the contrary smooth and slow.

Do not forget about breathing. Exhale when you are at the limit of the load. Inhale do with relaxation. Do not forget about a balanced diet and rest.

How to pump pectoral muscles in the home - types of push-ups.

1. Usual push-up from the floor. The simplest kind of push-ups. It is from him to begin training. Its main goal is to warm up the muscles. Make a point of lying down. Depending on the grip you have chosen, place your hands on the desired width. Feet on the toes. Come on. It is desirable to perform 3 to 5 approaches for 25-30 push-ups.

2. For proper pumping of pectoral muscles, it would be nice to perform push-ups on stretching. It's very easy to do at home. Take the 2 chairs. Arrange them so that the distance between them is slightly wider than your shoulders. It is desirable to give legs an elevated position. Try to perform push-ups, crouching below the level of the chairs. It is desirable to mild pain in the chest. Exercise requires at least 3 approaches.

How to pump the upper chest?

A very effective exercise for pumpingthe upper chest is push-up when the body level is above the head. Take the chair. Take the position of lying down laying your legs on the chairs. Hvat should be done as soon as possible. Duration of 15-20 push-ups for 3 sets.

How to pump the pectoral muscles at home, if the usual push-ups do not lead to an increase in weight?

If you have been doing sports for a long time, and ordinarypush-ups do not bring you the desired results, it is worth resorting to the clever technique of push-ups with weighting. Weighting can be all! For example: an old backpack, in which lies your favorite dumbbells. It just remains to put on your shoulders and start push-ups. Even a slight weighting of 5-10 kg will be well appreciated. You can get out much less, but these times through force will be the most effective and productive. Remember! A large mass of fewer times will give a better result than a long and light load.

How to pump pectoral muscles in the home - rest and nutrition.

Do not minimize the role of nutrition and rest inpumping the muscles of the chest. You need more proteinaceous food. Particularly well digestible protein of poultry and fish. Eat enough carbohydrates, because they are the "fuel" on which our body works. Try to relax after training, because your muscles also need to recover.

We hope that we were able to answer the question: "How to pump the pectoral muscles in the home?", And our advice will help you, dear ladies, to make your forms more beautiful.

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