/ / Scarecrow duck - the key to successful hunting.

A stuffed duck is the key to successful hunting.

Spring is a wonderful time for hunting. At this time they hunt both geese and ducks. Hunting is allowed with the help of special ducks, which are deliberately bred. If there is no possibility to get a duck, we have to use an artificial duck, this is a profile or an effigy of a duck.
It will be good if used stuffed ducks forhunting will be floating, because a live duck spends a lot of time in the water. If you put a dummy on the ground, then the ideal option - a stuffed magnum. Such ducks are twice as big as usual, that is, it is easier for them to attract birds, since they can be seen from afar. Do not forget that shooting females is prohibited, you can only hunt for males.

stuffed ducks

The hunting season begins in the second month of spring -April, as soon as the ducks begin to return. During the floods in the lowlands and floodplains of the rivers there is water, it is there that ducks are found. Hunting is conducted from a hut, it is necessary to think over its disguise, so that it is not too noticeable among trees that have not yet grown overgrown with foliage. It should be installed in places where ducks often fly, at a distance of twenty-five meters from scarecrows or even less. To be plausible, you need to create a real picture of the nesting place of ducks, some you need to make floating, others are feeding, and one stuffed duck can be used as a leader. Also it is worth paying attention to the grass, it is not necessary that it is too high for the stuffed to be seen from afar. It is not worthwhile to put them close together, the distance of one meter is enough. Hunting for geese is similar to hunting for ducks, the only difference is that stuffed geese are used for hunting.

stuffed geese for hunting

Also hunting for these birds in autumn is popular. They hunt in the morning or in the evening, when the bird moves to a place of rest or feeding. The place for an ambush is chosen more often in open areas, near water bodies, so that the bird can not see the hunters, but could see an effigy of a duck or goose. The place for shooting is often chosen overgrown reeds, if there is little water, the hunter stands in boots or a rubber suit, like a fisherman, and if the depth is decent, then hunting can be conducted from the boat. By the way, for better viewing and subsequent shooting, the cane is better broken to the level of the chest. Begin the season with firing shot number 7-5, and finish with fraction number 3-5. Do not forget that the shooting of birds should be conducted from a distance of not more than 35 meters. A large distance does not give an exact hit, the bird will be injured and, most likely, will not fall into the hands of the hunter. Also, do not forget about the caution of birds, shots can scare them away, that is, shooting should only be done when there is complete confidence in the hit, and the distance is suitable for an accurate shot.

stuffed ducks for hunting

So, fundamentally important factors in hunting: weapons and used shot, shooting distance and podsadnye birds, the place of hunting and the place of the ambush itself. Do not forget that the stuffed duck or goose should be as realistic as possible, be made of high-quality materials, and preferably, capable of swimming. It is also important to get permission to hunt in time, everything should be legal, completely legal.

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