/ / Duck breed - which one to choose?

Duck breed - which one to choose?

In recent years, the development of agriculturalbusiness in our country began to gain serious speed. One of the most profitable and promising directions of it, without exaggeration, is the breeding of domestic ducks. There are several reasons for this: rapid growth of the bird (after only two months of age, the weight of one duck can reach up to two kilograms), unpretentious choice of feed, and easy nursing.

breed of ducks
Which breed to choose

However, this type of business also hastheir nuances. First of all, it is necessary to determine its purpose - the receipt of meat or eggs - as well as with what breed of ducks is best suited for this. The best meat breeds are Peking and musky ducks. And the Indian runner will become an excellent layer.

An incubator or a hen?

It is better to start with the purchase of ducklings, but already in proportionbusiness development to think about who to entrust the breeding process to - the acquired incubator or to single out one bird for hatching eggs. Keep ducklings (especially in the first few weeks of life) is necessary in the warmth, then the temperature can be gradually reduced. The room should be well ventilated, while avoiding drafts. It is best to use containers or boxes for keeping small ducks, at the bottom of which a thick layer of sawdust or straw is laid out.

breeds of domestic ducks
Ancestors of poultry

Often experts agree thatpredecessors of domestic are wild ducks: the breeds of these birds in many respects resemble the basic parameters with those that are usually kept at home. It is believed that the vast majority of bred in the farming birds of the duck family came from a subspecies of wild cracked. All known to date varieties can be divided into three groups, depending on the type of product for which they are bred: egg, meat and meat-egg. The breed of ducks khaki comes from the UK. It is universal, because meat and eggs give enough. Its weight reaches 3 kilograms (drakes) and 2.5 kilograms (ducks).

Breeds of domestic ducks

One of the most common duck breedsis considered Beijing, which also has excellent oviposition rates (up to 120 eggs per year) and meat production. The Peking breed of ducks is somewhat larger than khaki: the weight of a drake can reach up to four kilograms, the female up to three and a half.

wild ducks of the breed

The gray Ukrainian duck is ratherLayers, because it has a high egg production capacity - about 120 pieces per year. Its dimensions and weight are not the most outstanding: up to 3.5 kg in drakes and up to 3 kg in females. Such a breed of ducks, like a black white-chested, is one of the most unassuming and simple in content to date. Her chicks have a weight of up to 2.5 kilograms already at two months old. Meat in this breed is much more delicious than others. Very similarities with wild birds have ducks of breed, derived in Rouen, which refers exclusively to meat. By weight and other indicators, it is approaching the Peking breed.

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