/ / Side exercises and diet

Exercise on the side and diet

Even slender girls are insured againstthe appearance of excess fat in the waist. Therefore, if the volume begins to grow, it is necessary to move to decisive action. Quickly clean the abdomen and sides will help an integrated approach. One exercise or diet is extremely difficult to achieve a visible result. And the effect will not last very long.

How to clean the stomach and sides. Exercises

For someone who wants to quickly find the right shape, do notdo without physical activity. One of the most common helpers in the struggle for an aspen waist is hula-hoop (or a gym hoop). With it, you can perform exercises on the sides. Now there are many variations of the well-known shell. To twist the hoop gave visible results, you need to follow several rules. First, it is better to choose a hoop heavier, or to give preference to models with soft massage balls. Secondly, you need to twist hula-hoop every day. Thirdly, this exercise should be set aside for 40 minutes a day. The hoop can be twisted, for example, by watching your favorite program on TV.

For a quick result, you need to perform other exercises on your sides. Particular attention should be paid to oblique muscles. One of the most effective exercises is stretching.

You need to put your feet at a width of 30-35 cm from each otherfriend. Sit down so that the angle in the knee is approximately equal to 90 degrees. Straightening and pulling aside the right leg, lean your elbow on the left hand on your left knee and straighten your right arm near your head. You need to stay in this position for 8-10 seconds. After this, smoothly return to the starting position and perform another three repetitions in each direction.

Implementation of strength exercises will help to strengthenmuscle and form a beautiful relief. Take the dumbbells in your hands, lower them along the trunk, put your feet on the width of the shoulders and perform the slopes to the sides without raising your hands. In total, you need to make 10 slopes in each direction.

It is also useful to perform lifting the trunk. Lie down on your left side, put both hands behind your head and unfold your shoulders so that you can look up at the ceiling. Make 20 lifts on each side.

Accept position: lying on the floor. Legs are straight. Hands behind the head. At the same time, pull the right knee and the left elbow to each other, and then smoothly return to its original position. Perform the exercise alternately with each leg. It is recommended to do 30 repetitions a day.

Such exercises on the sides are directed, basically,to strengthen the muscles. Fat burning occurs with intense loads that require a lot of energy. Therefore, to speed up the process, it is best to include in the mandatory program a light 15-20-minute run or a bike ride. During the exercises it is recommended to apply a wrapping composition to the problem area. This is best done no more than twice a week. Wraps will provide the effect of the sauna and improve the skin condition.


Exercises on the sides by themselves will not givelasting effect. Therefore, you can not do without the right diet. It does not have to introduce strict restrictions. Its main task is to provide a balanced diet and normalize the metabolism. The most sparing option is the Mediterranean diet. It is very suitable for gourmets and those who do not want to severely limit themselves. At the same time, it is quite effective, provides a healthy disposal of excess weight and normalization of all processes in the body.

Before you start doing the exercisesor go on a diet, consult a specialist and make sure that you do not have any contraindications to performing certain types of exercises or allergies to any products.

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