/ How to cope with stress: a variety of methods

How to cope with stress: a variety of methods

Sometimes unwanted events occurunpredictably, and sometimes we create problems ourselves. In any case, we are all vulnerable to stress. Once I had to read about a man who tries to avoid stress at all costs, even does not use an alarm clock to save his precious nerve cells. This man is very rich, but this behavior looks strange. This, of course, is also a lifestyle, but not everyone can afford it. So, how to cope with stress?

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish the zoneresponsibility. That is, the component in the problem, which you can in principle affect. There is no point in worrying about difficulties that are beyond your power. Although generally identifying the problem is not so simple, and to distinguish controlled from uncontrolled, everyday wisdom is necessary. How to cope with the stress caused by communication? I want to advise all problems that are related to other people, classify as uncontrolled. Or conditionally-controlled. And to reconcile that can turn out not in your opinion. However, you should definitely limit the range of your worries. Then there will remain the forces to do what depends on you.

Pay attention to the state of the body. Smoking, overeating and alcohol do not help, but destroy you both now and in the future. How to cope with stress by changing food? Add to the diet of fish, better than fatty varieties, and, if you can afford it, olive oil. Both will help the brain to deal with stress and recover more effectively. Protein foods and complex carbohydrates also help. The main thing is to avoid losing control over yourself in the diet. Stress is not a reason to throw chips and fatty ice cream into the basket.

Extremely effective are the good old physicalexercises. It is best to soothe running, especially slow. Even if the rain outside the window and the mood is not very, put a special cellophane on top of the clothes - and forward, behind the endorphins. An exception is a thunderstorm, it is especially dangerous at this time to listen to the player or carry a mobile phone with you - this greatly increases the probability of a lightning strike.

The ability to say "no" is very valuable ifyou are only 24 hours in the day. Most of all, stress is delivered by unfulfilled promises and obligations that you do not have time to fulfill. Therefore, a three-letter word can greatly facilitate your life. Compromises with themselves strongly strain the subconscious, which makes a person uneasy even when there seems to be no threat. Too many promises for a responsible person are the basis for the formation of neuroses. So you should take care of your health - learn to get away from errands that are beyond your strength.

How to cope with stress, which is associated withambitions? It is important to identify the spheres in life, on which you concentrate. If you want to be a leader in everything, most likely, you will not succeed in anything. Do not try to be as good as others. Try to proceed from the value and correctness of your attitudes. Those who look back at others for life, have a stressful life with "surrogate" common happiness. But such people worry much more than others. Nor is the desire to be "better than all." After all, there is always someone who will know and be able to do a little more. And that, all his life envy to suffer? Try to analyze your feelings and needs before you compare yourself and others.

In a situation of stress,their faith. If you are an Orthodox person, it may be time to go to confession and reconcile with yourself, God and people. Very many feel refreshed after communicating with like-minded people. You can simply go to the conversation with the priest. They are usually very good psychologists and can comfort you and tell you what to do in a difficult situation.

How to recover from stress? Be sure to disconnect from sources of unpleasant information, go to the village or to nature.

The ways to relieve stress exist in a hugequantity. Some of them can be applied immediately, some require changes in habits. But in any case, each of the methods requires you to act. What are you waiting for?

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