/ / Psychological analysis of the lesson: the main approaches

Psychological analysis of the lesson: the main approaches

In the scientific literature currently availablea large number of detailed principles, based on which the psychological analysis of the lesson is carried out. The fact is that the modern occupation is far from a monotonous and unified structurally-substantial scheme, it must fulfill several developmental tasks. That is why every teacher has the opportunity to determine for himself such forms, which will be the most acceptable and appropriate to the chosen paradigm and tasks.

The psychological analysis of the lesson, as a holistic phenomenon, has three basic and mandatory plans. Let us dwell in more detail on their characteristics.

The first analysis plan (psychological) refers toeducation, formation and development of the personality of students. In addition, great attention must be paid to the formation of their worldview, value orientations and morality. Therefore, the psychological analysis of the lesson should contain general pedagogical analysis, where the main aspect is the correspondence to educational and general educational goals. Naturally, the first group needs more attention.

In the psychological plan, the analysis of the following points in the lesson becomes relevant:

  • convincing influence of the teacher on the formation of social positive attitudes;
  • the availability of material that will lead to the development of an active civil position, to defend and uphold their convictions;
  • the process of education in the younger generation of a sense of responsibility, willingness to cooperate;
  • the teacher must create conditions for the formation of a morally healthy, united by a meaningful goal of the classroom;
  • students must become the subject of their own learning activities.

The methodological psychological analysis of the lesson will beis closely connected with the analysis of his own course. It is about justifying the goals, objectives, content of the lesson, the technical means of instruction used, about the organization, and so on. In the process of analysis, it is necessary to consider the moment when this lesson will correspond to the level of the entire preparation of students and their intellectual level.

In addition, it must be producedanalysis of psychological nature in the assimilation of theoretical material, the development of intellectual activity of students in the learning process, the analysis of the correspondence of methods and methods of work to individual psychological and age characteristics of this group of students.

Psychological analysis of the lesson is also the thirdplan - communicative. It implies that the student is in the center of the lesson as the subject of educational activity. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to its cognitive-communicative needs, the conditions for the formation of skills, speech activity, the development of communication skills, taking into account individual psychological characteristics, and so on. Each student should become a subject of educational activity, communication with the teacher and other students in the class.

Therefore, the psychological analysis of the lesson (mathematics,Russian language, literature, geography, physical culture and so on) must necessarily include the highlighted plans. The teacher needs to use the mechanism of pedagogical reflection in order to evaluate, correct and direct all his efforts in accordance with the selected parameters. It should "launch" the professional self-awareness of the teacher, the subject of his pedagogical activity, and also the person who is socially responsible for the education and upbringing of the growing up people.

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