How is the lesson analyzed?
That pedagogical activity was carried outsuccessfully, you need to constantly monitor the activities of the teacher, and sometimes adjust it. After all, teachers also learn, very much depends on their professional knowledge and skills.
So, the head teacher should clearly understand howorganize a visit, how to conduct a lesson analysis. An experienced specialist, no doubt, knows how to do this. But a "beginner" head teacher might lack experience in something. This article is for a note to such employees.
So, there are many types of analysis. But it's worth mentioning only those that are most often used. A short analysis of the lesson is a general assessment of its relevance to all set goals - educational, didactic and developmental. System analysis is based on consideration of the system for implementing the main didactic tasks. Full - considers separately the tasks, types of training activities, its content.
An approximate scheme for analyzing the lesson:
- Correspondence of goals and objectives.
- Readiness for the lesson.
- Analysis of the organizational structure - its type, the sequence of stages, the dosage of the lesson time, the correspondence of the lesson stages to certain types of cognitive activity.
- Characteristics of the content of the material: scientific, educational and developmental goals, the correlation of practical and theoretical material, its connection with life.
- Analysis of methodological support (methods and techniques that were used in the lesson and the appropriateness of their application). Methods of conducting separate parts of the lesson.
- Characteristics of the behavior and activities of students, the existence of discipline.
- The manifestation of the teacher's business qualities, the level of his knowledge.
- General analysis of the lesson - conclusions.
The purpose of control over the activities of the teacher is to assesshis pedagogical competence, the ability to master the audience of students, while showing an individual approach, as well as his knowledge of the actual material and teaching methods. The complex analysis of the lesson is very important - in other words, the analysis of all the nuances - the forms of organization and conduct, the methodology, the behavior of students, etc. It should be carried out taking into account the specifics of the material. And, of course, the features of the subject. The analysis of the lesson of mathematics is a test of how clearly the teacher presented the material, how he fixed it, whether the structure of the lesson corresponded to its type. For example, in the English lesson, there are some forms of activity that are not available at the physical education lesson, so they will be held in different ways. Analysis of the lesson of informatics, in turn, is also a test of the correspondence of its structure and type, the characteristics of the methods and techniques used. There are two aspects - methodical and resultant, and, to put it more simply, theoretical and practical. Their unity should ensure the effectiveness of training activities. Since the learning process is the interaction of the teacher and students, the work of the teacher and the actions of the students should be evaluated.
Control over the performance by the teacher of hisduties should be combined with providing him with the necessary methodological assistance. In general, the analysis of the lesson is effective if the analyst is competent, has knowledge of the techniques, and has appropriate training. Before you go to a lesson for this or that teacher, it is worth learning about the results of previous tests. This is important, because it will make it possible to set a visit goal more clearly. In advance it is necessary to learn a subject, in preparation of the inspector the study of the corresponding educational material must necessarily enter. In other words, he must understand what the teacher will explain.
Further it is necessary to talk in advance withTeacher about drawing up a lesson plan, and also to look into this plan. Such an interview, on the one hand, will give the examiner the necessary information about the preparedness of the teacher, on the other hand - will show the teacher what adjustments can be made in this summary.