/ / How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife and being jealous of her? Conspiracy and advice of a psychologist

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife and being jealous of her? Conspiracy and advice of a psychologist

Having lived together for many years, people get used to it very much.to each other. No, the state of comfort and stability is, of course, good. It's bad when a spouse stops appreciating a woman and perceiving her presence side by side for granted. How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? The answer to this question is rather complicated, since everything is individual in each case. Despite this, there are a few simple general tips that are suitable for almost every married couple.

Love yourself

Dear women, remember: self-sacrifice has long been out of fashion, especially in the love sphere. The more you protect your wife from everyday life, putting all your duties on your fragile shoulders, the more he will be distancing from you. Think about it: is it really nice for him to come home and see a tired half-withered wife with a skewed face and a drooping look? Of course not. If you do not know how to make your husband jealous and afraid of losing your wife, the first thing you must do. so it's to love yourself. And as a result - spend more time on yourself - charming and attractive.

how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife
The spouse at once will pay attention, when the wife will beginbeautifully dress, make new hairstyles, visit the salon of manicure. To warm up his interest, in the evening you often turn around in front of a mirror, mysteriously smiling. In the morning, getting dressed for work, you also spend a lot of time admiring your reflection. Do not forget to ask your spouse if you are looking good today, just like your appearance. Believe me, this is one of the most effective ways to make a husband afraid of losing his wife.


Men like to repeat that they are alpha males,hunters, conquerors and masters of this life. The truth is there. So play with him in this entertaining game: arrange for him something like hunting, where the trophy is you. Your actions are simple: flirt on his eyes with other representatives of the stronger sex, talk about them, admire other people's achievements and appearance. Believe me, even the coldest of wives will get excited. He will look at you with different eyes, frightened that he can lose forever.

how to make her husband jealous and afraid to lose his wife
And vice versa. Remain indifferent to his flirting - it will touch the man and give an occasion to reflect. Thinking about what to do to make your husband afraid to lose your wife, remember: when was the last time you read a book? Self-development is the hobby that you should put on. Perhaps the husband stopped paying attention because of a banal reason: he is not interested in you. So become new - find unusual pursuits to your liking, entertaining hobbies, read a lot, be aware of different issues and learn to speak on any topic.


Why not. Take it and come home with a chic bouquet. On the question of who gave, mysteriously smile and say: a fan. Or just brush it away, placing flowers in the best vase. This will not only make him jealous. Such an act will cause a flurry of emotions. A man, feeling a rival, even if conditional, will try to force him out, so he will pay more attention to his wife, spending time with her. And this is exactly what we need.

how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife magic
How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife? Continue to intrigue. For example, often "dig" in your mobile phone, as if rereading other people's messages. And do not forget to smirk mysteriously - this is the main weapon. When watching a movie, pay attention to the main character's husband: how beautiful, well-groomed, athletic, smart, and so on. In the end, summarize what exactly these men you like, excite your imagination and cause sexual desire. The last dictum of physical attraction will become a control shot.

Psychologist's advice

Specialists are sure: even if the spouse completely depreciates the relationship, he will try to avoid situations that threaten with divorce. But there is one "but": he does it on a subconscious level, unconsciously. Therefore, when a professional is asked how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, psychologist's advice sounds like this: tell him directly about it. Do not put any ultimatums - men do not like them. Just say that your feelings begin to cool down when they are not warmed up. It will hit his ego and the man will be frightened.

how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife's advice to a psychologist
Also psychologists give two more important advice. First - give him the right to his territory. Let meet friends, go to football and go fishing. You do not need to control and poke your nose into all the masculine affairs. Second - share his hobbies. No, you do not need to go to the stadium. But to give him the opportunity to watch the match at home you need, abandoning your favorite TV series. A man appreciates this and is afraid to lose such an intelligent and intelligent wife.

Help Magic

Often women turn to otherworldly forces,not knowing how to get her husband afraid of losing his wife. Magic, they say, will help to consolidate the result obtained after using the other methods mentioned above. I represent the popular rite, which is easy to use and does not require large expenditures. It is called "Candle for the Beloved". To do this, buy a white candle in the temple, lubricate it with any aromatic oil, thinking at the time about the wife. On paper, write a desire: "I want my spouse to be jealous of me and afraid to lose." Put a candle in the candlestick on the scrap of paper.

Looking at the flame, scrolling in your headdream, imagine how it is embodied in reality. Whispers the corresponding words. What exactly are the phrases - you decide for yourself. The main thing is that they were sincere, felt and went from the heart. After burning over a candle a piece of paper with desire, ashes waving in the wind. This is one of the options for strategy - how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife. The conspiracy can be carried out for another purpose, only candles are used for this purpose: yellow - to calm jealousy, red - to cause love, blue - to get rid of problems, green - to find well-being.

What do men think?

Representatives of the stronger sex have their own response tothe question of how to make her husband jealous and afraid of losing his wife. Listening to them is worth it, because who, if not the men themselves, knows the psychology of their kind. First, according to their advice, you need to spend a certain amount of time separately, doing your own personal interests. This buffer time zone is an excellent rest from each other, a period when you can get bored. Secondly, you do not have to pester your spouse with questions, where he was and with whom. He himself will tell, if he finds it necessary. Being tactful, you will become the most desired for your husband. After all, men are so fond of when they are understood.

how to make a husband afraid of losing his wife's conspiracy
Thirdly, the spouse will be afraid of losing you,if he feels a certain freedom of desire in the relationship. That is, if he does not want to go to the store today, do not force him. Coercion is the direct way to ensure that your loved one gets angry and moves away from you. And fourthly, do not be jealous. Trust your partner and do not make high-profile scenes just because he was staring at a young waitress. That the husband appreciated you, loved and cherished, do not be selfish, subordinating it only to one's own interests and desires.

A few more tips

How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife, younow aware. Finally, you will not be prevented from knowing those negative aspects, which, on the contrary, can destroy even the most lasting relations. Remember: men lose interest in a girl who puts him on top of a pedestal, becoming a submissive slave. They quickly cool down, if they arrange constantly scandalous scenes with tears and screams. They also do not forgive the violation of their personal space, their attitude towards themselves as a child, lack of passion and love, neglect, betrayal and disrespect. To maintain a relationship, the wife also needs to monitor her appearance, take care of herself and smile more often.

What to do to make my husband afraid of losing his wife
Do not forget: some men are not jealous not because you are not interested in them. And only because it's their strategy, model of behavior or life principle. Remember the eerie jealousies entering into the rage only because the woman looked at the other man. Therefore, appreciate what you have. Better the complete absence of jealousy than her constant dominance in relationships.

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