/ / conspiracy so that my husband does not change

conspiracy so that my husband does not cheat

What if my husband started to change you? Release him or forgive him? You have to find the answer to these questions yourself, without outside help. On the one hand, if he has changed, then this is not your man. Let him roll from one woman to another down the slope. But on the other hand, you have a family, children. And the most important thing is that you love him madly. Well, what, that Lovelace, but so dear and beloved. What to do in this case? Mages are advised to use one of the ways that came to us from ancient times - it's a conspiracy that the husband does not change. Further we will try to consider only some of them.

A conspiracy of loyalty

The most favorable days for itare considered Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This conspiracy of treason is done with the help of a phony cross. For its implementation, it is necessary to take a small lime log and chop off from it a pair of thin chips, the length of which should be about five centimeters. They are bandaged in the form of a cross with a thread of red color. After the cross is made, it must be lowered into a well and soaked in cold water. To dry the lime cross, blow and wave on it with your hands.

Further, the dried cross lies in the center of thethe place where the husband sleeps under the mattress. The most difficult thing in this process will be to leave a burning church candle in your bedroom for the night. This is done so that your actions are based on God's help. After leaving the husband in the morning, the lime cross must be gotten, untied the red thread and burned with these words: "Holy Jesus and his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, help me in my work. I do not need a stranger, but I will not give mine either. Do so that my betrothed does not think about other people's paths, and in my thoughts there was only a road to my house. So that he did not remember about the pathways to other people's houses, so that his little ones forget where they went. As the aspen chips burn, so let them burn us together in the fire of love for each other. And in the morning, and in the evening, and in the night - and so every day. Let my speeches pass through all the cracks, through all the pools. Let all the tracks that belong to my husband, go home to the hearth native. For what happened is what God has laid down. I will not give up on my own. Amen"

After the conspiracy of betraying her husband is read,It is necessary to keep the ashes from the burning of the house until the evening. After the arrival of her husband, his shoes are rubbed with ashes, crossed and above them the prayer "Our Father" is read nine times. Do not even doubt, now your husband will have only one house - yours! Such a conspiracy, that the husband does not change, will allow your husband to remain faithful for a long time and not to rush to seductive mistresses.

Conspiracy from the betrayal of her husband on business trips

The greatest temptations are known to occuraway from home, or rather on business trips. Check this process is very difficult, so you can also refer to this kind of magic, as a conspiracy, so that the husband does not change. To do this, we need a handful of poppies who say, "My pet is small and gray, as well as the one that attracts shapes, it's not good enough to give me a candle either. I, the servant of God, (Name), the only one in the heart of my beloved. Amen".

Mack must be filled in the travel bag of her husband and in the floors of his clothes.

A plot for 20 needles

This conspiracy so that the husband does not change and does not lookon beautiful girls. In order to implement the plan, you need to buy twenty needles for a decreasing month. One of them you throw to the toilet after your loved one goes there with the words: "Twenty needles were, nineteen became, one of them, even in shit, will help me, You do not sew, needle, do not even sew, At my milenka (name) you break a penis so that he never gets up on anyone. Let it be black and white, red and brown, gray and gray, young and old, and no. And only I will be his one and only. So be it! "After that, the remaining needles are buried in a place where people do not walk.

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