/ / Lake Beloe in Kosino: photos

Lake Beloe in Kosino: photo

Podmoskovnoe Kosino is an amazing place fortourists. Picturesque landscapes, comfortable climate and incredibly clean air attract guests from the most remote regions of the country. A special interest among travelers is the White Lake in Kosino. Reviews about the reservoir, which leave tourists who have visited here, make everyone at least once in a lifetime look into this amazing place.

Kosino: the origin of the name

One of the most promising Moscowthe present day is Kosino. In tsarist times Kosino was a small rural settlement, which was famous for its entire lakes with its lakes. Specialists etymologists still do not know what the origin of the name Kosino. However, there is an assumption that it was the location of the reservoirs that played a key role in the naming of the village. The confirmation indicates that Kosino comes from the word "spit" (stranding, leading from shore to the reservoir).

Lake Beloe in Kosino

Famous lakes of Kosino

In total on the territory of the village there are three ponds: the Holy, Black and White Lake in Kosino. Photos of natural attractions make it possible to understand why they received similar names.

The Holy Lake is shrouded in numerous legends. It is believed that the place of the modern reservoir used to be the church. During the service, the building began to sink under the water, which came from the earth. For a long time the cross, located on the dome of the church, was looking out from under the smooth surface of the lake, but as time passed, there was no trace left of the building. This fact also determined the modern name of the reservoir.

White lake in Kosino photo

Black Lake in Kosino has a more reasonablescience name. The muddy bottom, swampy shore and peat have a significant effect on the reservoir. The water of the lake has a characteristic dark shade, which made it possible to name the locals Lake Cherny.

And of course, the most favorite place fortourists is considered the White Lake in Kosino. Photos made in this area are striking in its beauty and picturesqueness. The origin of the name of the reservoir is not covered by sacraments and legends. On the contrary, Lake Beloe in Kosino became such because of a clean shore, clear water and a beautiful bottom, sprinkled with light sand.

Where is Lake Beloe?

Lake Beloe in Kosino can be found atBoat station: Zaozernaya street, 19. Kosinsky reservoirs are located outside the Moscow Ring Road, so it's problematic to get to the lakes on weekdays. You can reach the natural monument by metro (Vykhino station) or by passenger buses that run on routes 737, 747, 772.

Pearl of Kosino-Ukhtomsky district

Lake White in Kosino has an oval shape,gently sloping banks and dense vegetation along the perimeter. According to historical information, the reservoir appeared during the glacial period. Indirect confirmation of this is the subject of everyday life, which local residents used during the parking. However, the first mention of Lake Beloe in Kosino was received only in the XV century in the issued spiritual certificate of VA Serpukhovsky.

White lake in Kosino beach

The main attraction of the reservoir is theOrthodox complex, represented by three temples: St. Tikhon, St. Nicholas, Holy Assumption. The construction of the St. Nicholas Church dates back to 1673, when it was a wooden building. Reorganization of the bell tower with the help of a stone took place in 1826.

Holiday in Kosino

Of course, the tremendous popularity oftourists who decided to relax in nature, enjoys the White Lake in Kosino. The beach of the pond is strewn with fine brown sand. There are small grassy islets. Dense vegetation around the reservoir, represented by sprawling birches, willows and oaks, creates comfortable conditions for tourists, even in the most unbearable heat.

White Lake in Kosino reviews

Lake Beloe in Kosino is suitable for swimming. The bottom is covered with sand. The water is clear, yellowish in color. The reservoir does not bloom, does not silting, which makes the rest comfortable. The depth of the lake reaches 10 meters, so diving is very popular. There is a boat station where you can rent equipment for walking around the lake.

Restaurants in Kosino

For tourists there is a good service and insphere of nutrition. The restaurant "White Lake" in Kosino enjoys great popularity among the guests. Culinary masterpieces of Russian or Caucasian cuisine prepared by the chef are offered to visitors. A wide range of drinks will meet the needs of each guest. At lunch, a business lunch with a ready-made menu is provided for clients.

Restaurant White Lake in Kosino

Various events are held in the restaurant, forThis is equipped with a luxurious banquet hall. In the interior of the room are embodied classical notes, but with a touch of playfulness. Here, the dark emerald curtains coexist with bright illumination. Luxurious brown furniture is complemented by boiling white tablecloths. A cozy atmosphere, pleasant background music and high-quality service make the institution the most popular among tourists visiting Kosino-Ukhtomsky district.

Fishing on the White Lake

Fans of fishing for good reason come toWhite Lake in Kosino. Fishing here brings an incredible pleasure because of a good bite and a big catch. To get pleasure it is possible both free of charge, and for quite comprehensible cost. Industrial fishing on the lake is prohibited.

White Lake in Kosino fishing

In warm weather (spring and summer) biting is celebrated onfloat fishing rods. As a nozzle, you can use bloodworms, dough, worm or potatoes. Here live both roach and podleschiki, and perch, crucian, ruff or carp. Autumn bite a perch, if you use the catching technique for bait. In winter, you can catch a perch, ruff and roach. For the convenience of tourists, there are boat bases where you can rent a boat.

Ecological problems of Kosino

Lake Beloe in Kosino today hasa number of problems that arose due to a lack of oxygen in the water. After the fishing and sports club "Fortuna" relocated to another location, the artificial aeration of the reservoir stopped. Because of this, there was a massive loss of fish in the winter.

The main reason for this phenomenon isthe wrong policy of the administration of the Kosinsky Nature Park. If previously the care for the ecosystem of the reservoir was handled by the club "Fortuna", then after the court's decision about self-seizure by the given organization of the territory, all responsibility was transferred to the administration of the park. However, the necessary measures were not taken. First, the state of water worsened, including after winter ice-sheets, when there was a decrease in the level of oxygen in the reservoir. Secondly, the catching of fish has become massive, including repeated attempts by poachers to use the lake network. These two factors played a key role in the fact that the ichthyofauna lost its diversity. In addition, the fact of water decay from a large number of surfaced fish affected the quality of tourists' rest.

Thus, for today the question arose aboutThe preservation of the unique ecosystem of the White Lake in Kosino. Only a competent policy of the administration, environmental organizations and the correct position of tourists will help preserve the pristine beauty, picturesqueness of places and the rich flora and fauna of the famous triozero of Kosino-Ukhtomsky district.

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