/ / Thermal waters, Kosino: photo, reviews

Thermal waters, Kosino: photo, reviews

On the healing properties of hitters from under the earth hotkeys were known even in antiquity. And modern doctors have discovered that thermal waters contain in their composition many biologically active substances, such as iodine, bromine, sodium, tungsten, radon, magnesium and others. The impact of these minerals on the steamed organism is invaluable. Many people go to the thermal spas in Hungary. It is known that in the bowels of this country lies a large underground water area, heated by the heat of magma. But getting a Schengen visa for a trip to Hungary is so difficult ... There is a way out. The same deposits of useful hot water extend to the most Ukrainian Carpathians. It is only necessary to drill a well and equip a bath - and you can take it for treatment of holidaymakers. In this article we will consider the thermal waters of Kosino (Ukraine, Transcarpathian region). What do they say about local bathing resorts? How is the tourist infrastructure in the city itself developed? Can I stop here for a comprehensive examination and treatment? Read about it below.

Thermal waters of Kosino

Thermal waters of Transcarpathia

Kosino, or, more correctly, Koson, is included inone of three areas of public treatment, carried out with the help of hot springs. The other two are a sanatorium in the village of Velyatino (Khust district) and health resorts of the town of Berehove. Of course, every resort, and even a source, is characterized by its chemical composition and, accordingly, is used to treat certain diseases. The temperature of the thermal waters of Transcarpathia ranges from thirty to eighty degrees Celsius. So what kind of diseases can you get rid of in Kosino (Zakarpattya region)? Thermal waters of local wells are unique in their chemical composition and are comparable only with the world-famous sources of "Gaidusoboslo" (the so-called famous waters of Hungary). They are saturated with iron. Therefore, the water has a dirty brown color, which should be taken into account when choosing a bathing suit (preference should be given, as you might guess, to dark tones).

Thermal waters of Transcarpathia Kosino

The health resorts of the village of Koson (Beregovsky district of Transcarpathia)

There are two of them on the territory of the village. And both - with similar names, which deceives tourists. The old sanatorium "Kosino" is located, though on the outskirts, but in the village. This recreation complex owns two wells. Water, close in composition to the Truskavets "Naftus", comes to the surface of the earth at a temperature of fifty-two degrees, but in the open pool and the bath is served a little chilled - about 38-40 ° C. One and a half kilometers from the village in the direction of the Hungarian border, among the oak groves there is a recreation center "Thermal Waters Kosino". The new sanatorium is also called "Shoshto-Thermal". There are three swimming pools, which are filled from one well - 16T. Water rises to the surface from a depth of one thousand two hundred meters at a temperature of sixty to seventy degrees, and while it reaches the reservoirs, it cools to 38-40 ° C.

Kosino region of Zakarpattia

Chemical composition

The thermal waters of Transcarpathia, Kosino in particular,are close to the famous deposits of the Hungarian sanatorium "Gaidusoboszlo". They have a lot of iron (concentration 1.62), which gives them turbidity and rusty-brown color. Also, the content of manganese, potassium, silicon, sodium, fluorine, zinc and other microelements that complexly affects the entire body is large. The acid-base balance of Ph is 6.08. The level of mineralization: 8.5-11.00 g / dm3.

Old sanatorium

According to the chemical composition of the thermal waters of Kosinorefer to hot chloride-sodium, medium mineralization. In addition to the outdoor swimming pool, which functions in the old health resort for three summer months and September, there is a year-round department with several types of medical baths. This sanatorium is effectively combating a number of diseases. First of all, these are various kinds of arthritis, radiculitis, plexitis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, gastritis, and disorders of the cardiovascular system of the body. The long-lasting positive effect of water has on the skin, healing eczema, has a beneficial effect on the nerves. To combat illnesses, the patients of the sanatorium, apart from thermal springs, are assisted by ozokerite procedures, an artificial microclimate chamber, and inhalations. The housing base can be satisfied only by fans of unpretentious Soviet service, but the main thing that has made Kosino famous is the thermal waters. The reviews assure us that they treat us well here. The doctor examines the patient and prescribes proper procedures.

Kosino thermal waters photo

New "sanatorium"

During the Soviet Union there was a sportsrecreation center. For a long time it was empty, wooden barracks collapsed. Finally, in 2006, the base territory was bought from the state. In 2012, a five-year project was launched to develop a recreational and recreational complex. The plans are very ambitious. According to the project, by 2017, the hotel has to be built in the "Thermal waters of Kosino", another infrastructure is planned for tourists to take rest. So far this place can be called a recreational and entertainment center. Well 16 T delivers from the depth of 1,900 meters of hot, iron-enriched water. It enters three outdoor pools. The water temperature in them is +41 ... + 43 ° C, although the surface of the geyser leaves at +55 Celsius. The complex is located among the old oak grove, in a very picturesque area. The building is made in the Austro-Hungarian style, with a homely atmosphere. There is a parking for cars, a restaurant and a cafe.

Kosino thermal waters reviews

The healing properties of water from the well 16 T

Conclusion of experts on balneological qualitiesThis geyser was made relatively recently. According to him, the thermal waters of Kosino are designed for external use. If you have a disease not at the stage of exacerbation, bathing in the pools will have a lasting and positive effect. What are the ailments that can cure the waters of the Kosonskaya well? First, various kinds of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, the consequences of fractures, violations in the joint tissues. Secondly, the waters are good for the cores. They treat hypertension I and II stages, cardiosclerosis, circulatory disorders. The waters of the Koson geyser and for the nervous system are invaluable. After bathing, there is a relief of radiculitis, varicose veins, acroangioneurosis, atherosclerosis. Ablutions have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, helping to overcome chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia of bile ducts, improve the condition after cholecystectomy.

Thermal waters Kosino new sanatorium

How and when to go to Koson for holidays

To feel the positive effect, physiciansrecommend taking baths three times a day for 20 minutes. Therefore, it is best to plan a long vacation in Kosino. Thermal waters are available at any time of the year in the complex "Shoshto-Thermal". It is very convenient to get to it. From the district center of Beregovo it is 18 km (tracks P54 and T0707). You can come here from Uzhgorod or Mukacheve (about 75 km). Literally a few hundred meters from the complex there is an international checkpoint Koson-Barabash. Until the building of the hotel is built, it is best to look for accommodation in the private sector of the village. But with meals in the health complex everything is fine: there is a restaurant and an aqua-bar (in one of the pools).

Relax in the thermal hot water

Kosino, thermal waters: reviews

What do they write about this recreational institution? Tourists who have recently visited the "Shoshto-Thermal" complex, say that the infrastructure is developing steadily. Free WI-FI is available throughout the property. At the moment, there are five swimming pools, of which only three are thermal. They work year-round, from 9 am to 8 pm. The rest, with a temperature of +24, are available in the summer months. A large thermal pool enters the "Royal Hall", from where you can go to the tea room, massage room. Everywhere there are sunbeds on which you can sunbathe in sunny weather, which often happens in Kosino. Thermal waters, photo pools, saunas and other SPA-procedures are an excellent recommendation to the entire Beregovsky district. Here you can try an amazing Kneipp bath for feet, a beer sauna and an ice cave.

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