/ / South Asia: which countries are worth visiting?

South Asia: which countries are worth visiting?

South Asia

South Asia includes the following countries: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka. Some of them are worthy of special attention, as they are very attractive for tourists. Let's look at these countries in South Asia.


This country is famous for its huge numbersights that are definitely worth a visit. A real delight among tourists is caused by archaeological sites and dwellings of Maharajas, dating back to the XIII-XIX centuries. Also unforgettable impressions remain after visiting the capital - Dhaka. And so unique in its length the beach and the largest mangrove on the planet and can not be ignored at all. Many just go to Bangladesh for this. And some tourists in general believe that other countries of South Asia fade against the background of this state.


countries of South Asia

Dhaka stretched on the north shore of a wide riverunder the name Buriganda. The capital is in the heart of the state, it is rather similar not to the modern metropolis, but to the mythical Babylon. The oldest section of Dhaka is located north of the coast. Golden for her was the reign of the Great Moguls. At that time, the capital was one of the most important shopping centers of the empire. Today the Old City is a large area located between the two main river ports - Badam Tolé and Sadarghat. Admiring Buriganda from here, it is sometimes impossible to restrain emotions, so it seems beautiful. But the most interesting place of Dacca is the unfinished Fort Lalbach located in the Old City, the construction of which was started in 1678. South and South-East Asia attract tourists like a magnet, and no wonder, because there are so many attractions.

South and South-East Asia


The Kingdom of Bhutan is in the centermagnificent mountains of the Himalayas, it is completely separated from the outside world. Local residents often refer to their country as a state of a thunder-dragon. Territorial isolation contributed to the protection of Bhutan from outside influences. The country's industry fully meets the needs of residents in products, things and much more.

Up to 1974, it was possible to come to Bhutan,only having obtained the consent of the king. To date, tourism is in the third position in the economy of the country, and anyone can visit it. The population of South Asia is only pleased guests, because they bring profit. Attitude to them is very benevolent.


The cities of the state are noteworthypopulation. The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu. This city is the focus of culture, beautiful architecture and customs. The houses here are built in the national style. The most interesting place of the city is the largest monastery of the country called Trashi-Chho-Dzong. It strikes with its beauty. Dzongs are fortress monasteries, found exclusively in Bhutanese architecture. Usually, first such a structure was built, and then the city grew around it. In Thimphu there is a magnificent national park called Jigme-Dorji. Here you can see very rare plants and exotic animals. South Asia surprises tourists with its natural resources.


The city of Paro also deserves attention, in whichthere is an international airport. The main attraction of this village is the monastery called Taksang-Lahang-Dzong. Also here is the hill, which is a symbol of the state, - Zhomolgari. There is a legend, according to which it inhabits a dragon-thunderer. South Asia is the birthplace of many beautiful legends.

population of South Asia


In the south of Asia is a magnificent stateIndia. It is adjacent to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, China and Afghanistan. India is surrounded by the same ocean, the Arabian Sea, and also the Bay of Bengal. This country includes Lakkadiv, Amindi, Andaman, Nicobar Islands and Minica. If you look at the map, you can see that India in its shape resembles a diamond.

Mountains, lowlands and rivers

Through the state passes several mountainThe chains, which include the highest on the planet - the Himalayas. In India, 60% of the total territory of the country is occupied by elevations. This, of course, is quite a lot. Among other things, here is the Indo-Gangetic lowland, which received its name from the names of important rivers. Even schoolchildren know what is at stake. This is the Ganges and Indus. South Asia would not be so beautiful without these rivers.


India has a tropical climate, butThe southern part is dominated by the monsoon subequatorial. The vast territory of the state, the proximity of the sea and the elevation have a significant impact on the seasons, as well as the temperature that varies depending on the area and the month. Thinking about the time of travel, it is recommended first of all to choose the region of India: if there are mountains, then you should go there in the summer, and the rest of the places can be visited from the middle of autumn until the beginning of spring, when the sun is not so scorching. South Asia is an amazing land. Once you are there, you will definitely want to come there again and again.

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