/ / Features Metro (Prague)

Features of the metro (Prague)

Construction of the first branch of PragueMetro began in the distant 1966 year. Originally planned to build a line for high-speed trams. But in the course of work, a project was approved for the construction of the metro. Prague May 9, 1974 solemnly celebrated the opening of the first launch site. Its initial station was the point "SOKOLOVSKA", and the final one - "KACHEROV". At that time, its length was 7.5 kilometers and consisted of nine stations. At the moment, some stations have been renamed on this part of the route, and the line itself has expanded. The first metro line is built into the third metro line. Prague is still the only city in the Czech Republic, where three branches of the subway, three interchange nodes and fifty seven stations function fully.

metro praga

The total length of the metro in Prague reachesfifty-three kilometers. All three branches on the subway map are indicated by colored lines and are signed in large Latin letters. Line "A" is displayed in green, line "B" is yellow, and line "C" is red. The draft of the Prague transport enterprise provides for the creation of the fourth line "D", which will be marked on the map in blue. Most of the stations are buried deep underground. In the sleeping areas of the city and on the outskirts, railway branches run on the surface of the earth or at a depth of twenty meters. Four sections of the path of all three branches pass under the local river Vltava.

metro in Prague

The Prague underground refers to"Heavy-rail". His project is designed for maximum passenger capacity and a deep location under the ground. This is the main difference from light rail or underground tram.

On the surface of the subway lead the escalatortunnels. Some stations also provide an elevator for these purposes. The metro bridges (Prague) intersect at different levels. With the help of manipulator devices, trains quietly ply on their routes. Passengers use escalators and transitions at the interchange nodes.

Metro Prague

The system of movement of metro trains is organized in such a way,that the passenger, having risen on a surface and having sown in public transport, can quickly reach the city center or historical places. The land transport system of Prague is adapted for the work of the underground. Therefore, most passengers in rush hour prefer to be on those sites where urban land transport is concentrated. At this time, the trains are moving intensively, the interval of movement is minimal, and the number of wagons is larger than during normal hours and at weekends.

The metro is open from five in the morning until the end of the day. On weekends and holidays, the metro schedule is extended by one hour.

Metro Prague

Prague, the metro is an interesting fact

The Cold War period had an impact on thethe construction of stations that were designed as a shelter for the urban population during the evacuation period. Most of the sites are at a depth of forty meters. In 2002 the strongest flood flooded 19 deep metro stations. Prague (more precisely, the specialists of this city) to restore the efficiency of all the lines for more than half a year carried out restoration work.

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