/ / Capital of Belgium - Brussels

The capital of Belgium is Brussels

Everyone admires the beauties of Paris or Rome, butfew people remember that in Europe there are more beautiful places. Do you think that we are talking about Germany or Spain? You are deeply mistaken. A small country called Belgium, or rather the capital of Belgium - that's really worthy of respect.

the capital of belgium

Brussels is a city in which you will find everything,that the soul wills. This is a skilful architecture, and a lot of cognitive museums, and local gourmet cuisine, and a huge variety of shops. But about everything in order.

You should start a story about Brussels with its history. In 979 the Duke of Lower Lorraine built a fortification. This was the beginning of the formation of the capital of Belgium. But in those years, no one had ever suspected that this would be one of the most beautiful places on the planet. For the first time the country was heard at the end of the 7th century. After this, the rapid development of this European state began.

Now, by the way, anyone who bought a tour inBelgium can live to see the fortress walls, which once adorned and defended the city. Currently, there is the so-called historical center of the capital. Local residents divide the city into two parts: Lower and Upper Town.

tour to belgium
As expected, in Nizhniy Novgorod there are various industrial buildings, as well as shops and hotels. But the Upper one is completely given to tourists and the government.

Probably, each of you knows that it is inBrussels hosts the headquarters of such world organizations as the European Union and NATO. Some of the inhabitants of this state call Brussels the capital of all Europe, and not just Belgium. Of course, there is still no official confirmation of this.

Despite a rather long periodexistence of the state, many architectural masterpieces were created relatively recently. We can say that the capital of Belgium is decorated with architectural monuments made in the Art Nouveau style, or as the Europeans call it - Art Nouveau.

Many buildings have now been added to the list of worldcultural and natural heritage of UNESCO. To be more precise, these are the houses of Van Etvelde and Solvei, as well as the house of Professor Tassel and the house of Victor Horta, who put his hand to all of the aforementioned monuments of the city of Brussels. Sights of the country are not limited to just one architecture. Here, at almost every step, museums and galleries are open.

brussels sights

As for museums and galleries, the capital of Belgiumcan offer everyone something interesting. Along with the Belgian Royal Museum of Art, you can see a museum of beer, as well as fossil animals. Of course, this is only the tiniest part of all such places in Belgium.

But, perhaps, is not only famous for its museumsto the whole world the capital of Belgium. Everyone who comes here hastens to see the area called Grand Place. This is the most famous square in the world. It is surrounded by houses, and thus a square shape is obtained. The magnificent flower beds, which are created on the Grand Place, have enraged the very King Louis XIV. Once visiting Brussels, the king realized how the capital of Belgium is beautiful. To prevent it from competing with Paris, Louis XIV decided to simply destroy it.

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