/ / Capitals of European states. List of European capitals

Capitals of European states. List of European capitals

The ancient European cities are world famousthanks to architectural monuments and interesting history. It is difficult to answer the question of which one should be visited first of all. This article briefly tells about some of them, namely the most beautiful capitals of European states.

the capital of European states


This city, according to popular belief,is the most beautiful among the capitals of European countries. There is an abundance of medieval streets lined with paving stones, many unique monuments and ancient castles. Charles Bridge is one of the symbols of the Czech capital. Its length is more than five hundred meters. With the famous Prague bridge, important historical events are connected, including the attack of the Swedes, which took place in the middle XVII century.

The name of the city, which ranks first in the list of the most picturesque capitals of European states, is translated from Czech as "threshold". There are many legends about the foundation of Prague, including legends about the wise princess Libusia.

of the capital of European states photo


The capital of the European state, whichonce ruled one of the world's greatest generals, is famous for the Champs Elysees and the Eiffel Tower. In fact, of course, the list of attractions in Paris is quite extensive. We will not list all here, but we will briefly outline the history famous character the French capital.

The metal tower, whose height is more than three hundred meters, can not be called an ancient monument. It was built only at the end XIX century. According to statistics, among all the attractions of the world is the most visited. Every tourist who visits Paris, first of all seeks to be photographed against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.

In 1889, a world exhibition was held in Paris, dedicated to the anniversary of the French Revolution. A few years before this event, a contest was organized, the winner of which was to create a construction project. The monument reflects the technological and engineering achievements of the country. The authors of the project were employees of Bureau G. Eiffel.

the capital of European states from north to south


The third place in the list of the most capitals of European states, photos of which are known all over the world, occupies the main city of Italy. A lot of talented feature films were created here, among them "Sweet life" Fellini. This city is considered one of the most romantic in the world. To the most interesting historical monuments is also Piazza Navona, The Pantheon.

Perhaps, talk about which of the cities in Europethe most beautiful, incorrect. For someone it's Moscow. Someone closer to Berlin or Athens. But, according to the rating compiled not so long ago based on the feedback of tourists and published in the media, the fourth place belongs to the German capital, the fifth - Greek. Moscow in this list takes the sixth position. The list of beautiful capitals includes also Madrid, Helsinki, Amsterdam.

The most famous cities in Europe can beA list compiled taking into account various characteristics. And alphabetically, and by geographical location, and by age. Below are two more lists, which included the aforementioned cities.

capital of European countries in alphabetical order

The capitals of European states from north to south

This list should begin with Helsinki. Among the European capitals this city is the most northern. Further the list can be made as follows:

  • Stockholm.
  • Oslo.
  • Tallinn.
  • Copenhagen.
  • Moscow.
  • Warsaw.
  • Dublin.
  • Prague.
  • Paris.
  • Belgrade.
  • Sofia.
  • Skopje.
  • Rome.

The capitals of European states in alphabetical order

If you compile a complete list, then will come forty-four cities. The first place is occupied by the European capital, which tourists perceive differently. For some, this city is the center of debauchery. For others - the place where great artists created. It is, of course, about Amsterdam. The second position in the list, compiled in alphabetical order, Andorra la Vella. The third is Athens. Then there are cities whose name begins with "B".

First of all, the capital of Germany comes to mind. But in this list Berlin is preceded by Belgrade. And then followed by the capital such states as Switzerland, Slovakia, Belgium, Hungary. Which cities are the political and economic centers of these countries? Bern, Bratislava, Brussels and Budapest.

In the full list includes and the capital of small states, for example, Liechtenstein. The main city of a dwarfish state is the Vaduz. But then we list the most famous capitals:

  • Brussels.
  • Warsaw.
  • Vein.
  • Dublin.
  • Copenhagen.
  • London.
  • Madrid.
  • Moscow.
  • Oslo.
  • Paris.
  • Prague.
  • Rome.
  • Stockholm.
  • Tallinn.
  • Helsinki.

This article will help you understand the geography of Europe in more detail.

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