/ / Summary of "20 thousand leagues under the water" (Jules Verne). The main characters, quotes

Summary of "20 thousand leagues under the water" (Jules Verne). The main characters, quotes

To understand the features of the work helps himsummary. "20 thousand leagues under the water" - this is one of the most famous novels of the famous French science fiction writer J. Verne. The author became famous for the fact that in his works he skillfully combined the science fiction genre with an exciting action. In his books adventurous adventure story organically accompanies a dynamic story, which participants become outstanding personalities. They by force of the spirit, will and perseverance overcome heavy obstacles and in the end achieve what they want.


The real master of the fascinating plot wasJules Verne. "20 thousand leagues under the water" - a novel that can envy any modern blockbuster. After all, it has everything: a fascinating story that does not let the reader to the end of the narrative, interesting characters, colorful background.

The book begins with the fact that the open seaa ship was sent to find out the origin of the mysterious creature that is drowning the ships. On board are the scientist, Professor Aronax, his secretary Consel and the harpooner Ned Land. During the journey, the vessel encounters this mysterious animal. As a result of the push, the three heroes found themselves in the open ocean, but they escape on the surface of a mysterious object that turned out to be not a monster, but a submarine. Her captain left friends on board as prisoners, since he did not want the secret of his invention to become known to anyone else.

He himself hid from human society and foreverfell in love with the ocean, of which he said: "The sea is an eternal movement, and love, and life." He devoted himself entirely to the study of underwater depths. And in this respect he quickly found a common language with the professor. The novel "20 thousand leagues under the water", the main characters of which were able to make an amazing round-the-world trip, is devoted to the description of the underwater world, as well as to the adventures of his crew.

a brief summary of 20 thousand leagues under the water

Captain Nemo

To understand the students in the books J. Verna will help their summary. "20 thousand leagues under the water" is a work that is the best example in the genre of science fiction. The narrative is written on behalf of Professor Aronaks. Together with his three friends by chance, he was on board a submarine.

However, the protagonist is itsmaster, Captain Nemo. This person is mysterious in every way. His origin was discovered only in the final part of the trilogy ("The Mysterious Island"). However, without this, this person evokes interest among readers with the depth of their knowledge, extraordinary intelligence and freedom-lovingness.

So, we learn that he helps the oppressedpeoples to fight for independence. And it was not without reason that Vern put the following phrase in his mouth, imbued with humanistic pathos: "We need new people, and not new continents!" At the same time, the captain is cruel in his anger. By revenge for the death of friends and comrades, he drowns English ships, terrifying many naval powers.

Jules vern 20 thousand leagues under the water

Professor Aronax

Fans of works by J. Verna may be interested in their summary. "20 thousand leagues under the water" is an amazing story about how the narrator, along with his assistant Consel and harpooner Land, got on the submarine "Nautilus".

Having found herself in the position of honorary captives of hercaptain, they nevertheless got the opportunity to make an exciting round-the-world trip under the ocean and witness unforgettable events. It is thanks to the professor that the reader gets acquainted with the underwater fauna, and also experiences with him adventures: a walk around Atlantis, sea hunting, penetration into the crater of the volcano and many others.

Get an idea of ​​the actorsthis work will help its concise content. "20 thousand leagues under the water" - a novel whose characters are characterized by carefully prescribed characters. The personality of the professor evokes deep sympathy: he is intelligent, educated, agreeable. In his mouth the author encapsulates a phrase full of profound humanistic meaning: "Everyone is just because he is human, worthy to think about it."

20 thousand leagues underwater quotes


Understand the characteristics of the characters of the workbrief content helps. "20 thousand leagues under the water" is a book, whose characters, by their originality, are not inferior to the plot. Particularly colorful turned out to be an assistant to Professor Consel. He is an unruffled and phlegmatic young man who is completely devoted to his master and science.

So, during the shipwreck, he jumped afterbehind him in the sea, risking his life. During the journey of the Nautilus he repeatedly helped his comrades with his advice. This character also carries a comic load, as during the narrative constantly flaunts the scientists with terms. In addition, his coolness and equanimity even in the most critical minutes will often cause the reader a smile.

20 thousand leagues under water main characters

Ned Land

One of the most famous science fiction writersright is considered to be Jules Verne. "20 thousand leagues under the water" - the best example of science fiction. In addition, the writer gave the reader interesting characters, for which you really want to experience and sympathize with them.

Ned Land is a harpooner who also fell into the sea inshipwreck time. It's a very simple, practical, open person who does not get behind the word in his pocket. His remarks about the adventures that are taking place with him will repeatedly cause the reader to smile: "I do not regret that I happened to make an underwater trip. I will remember it with pleasure, but for this it is necessary that it should end. " At the same time, he is a very enterprising and energetic man. So, it was he who organized and arranged the escape from the Nautilus.

20 thousand leagues under the water novel

Place in the work of the author

"20 thousand leagues under the water" - a novel thatis part of the adventure series written by Verne. This is an outstanding work in which the creative principles of the writer found the most complete reflection. Perhaps, it was in this book that he managed to immerse his reader in the most fascinating form in the world of science and technology. The work "20 thousand leagues under the water," which citations prove the humanistic pathos of the author, and now enjoys the readers' love.

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