A.S. Pushkin "Letter of Tatyana to Onegin": analysis of the passage
During his short life he managed to leave a richthe cultural heritage of A. Pushkin. Tatyana's letter to Onegin has been, for almost two centuries, the favorite poem of many young ladies who want to admit their love to their chosen ones. The whole poem is written in the so-called "Onegin stanza", and only in the letters of Onegin and Tatiana there is freedom inherent in Pushkin's works.
Analysis of the lines of Tatiana's letter
You can describe a person in words by indicating itappearance, character, habits, and you can provide the opportunity for the reader to independently draw in his imagination an image based on the character's behavior, feelings experienced by him. A. Pushkin wrote Tatyana's letter to Onegin made very sincere, honest and open. Epistolary genre helped the poet to convey to the reader the feelings and thoughts of the heroine. It should be noted that the letter was written by a young county young lady, who had to cross not only through her complexes and fears, but also through moral prohibitions. In the nineteenth century, the girl was the first to admit to love a man, but Tatiana is ready to ignore the rules, even if she receives contempt in return.
Pushkin's letter to Tatiana on Onegin was divided intoseveral parts. In the beginning, the girl writes about her risk and how the addressee should perceive this message. Then comes the alternative: "If I had hope ..." - that is, Tatiana paints in her imagination what could have been, and these dreams shade real pictures. In the third part there is a reflection: "Why did you visit us?" The young lady realizes a difficult female destiny, but such statements are more suitable for an adult than for a young person, so the author's handwriting can be clearly traced here.
Pushkin wrote Tatyana's letter to Onegindramatic. The girl told about her feelings, crossing the moral principles. After reading the message, Onegin can imagine the situation, understand the situation of the young lady, and do something about it. The last four lines sum up, and they end with the topic of entry. Tatiana as if descends from heaven to earth, recalls reality and again turns to her beloved for "you". She realizes the riskiness of her company, but trusts Evgeny's honor.