The poem "Anchar": Pushkin worked for glory
From the very beginning of the poem stands before usAn invincible whip, enveloped in a gloomy shroud, is the tree of death. This is the most terrible inhabitant of the desert: a hermit of fiery sands, drained steppes and evil winds. Anchar appears as the lord of darkness.
The author of this gloomy and impressive imagewood Anchar - Pushkin. The analysis of the same work will help to understand the importance of the idea embodied in his poetic parable. This poem was written by A. Pushkin in 1828. In many publications of that time they wrote about the poison of Anchar, from which they die on the way back, trying to get them to have the military imbued with arrows. These stories did not go unnoticed in Russia. The ideal of freedom in Pushkin in his mature years is associated not with the political way, as in the early lyrics, but with universal human values, which is shown in the work.
The idea of the work
The poetic description of the device of humanrelationships - this is what Pushkin was good at. "Anchar" is an analysis of them, enclosed in a poem. It clearly traces the logical chain and the causes of human behavior. The main theme of the poem is world evil. The author acts as a sociologist and philosopher, referring to this popular topic. The need for humanity, in the world among people, lies at the heart of the author's aspirations. The theme of humanism has always been popular among many people's leaders.
In the poem "Anchar" Pushkin explains hisA look at the way in which the greedy desire of one person to rule over others takes place. The author points to power as the source of evil. His avatar was the tree of death.
The Anchar tree is cut off from nature, becauseis his mistake: nature does not accept the symbol of evil. Man is an eternal transgressor of the laws of nature. If we turn to the draft versions of the poet's work, then the difficulty in choosing the words suitable for this topic becomes obvious. In the poem "Anchar" Pushkin accentuates the fact that he is not a slave ruler, but a "human being" sent to certain death. Both people in this work are able to make a choice, because nature has created them equal, but both of their actions contribute to the death of many other people. The system of subordination deprived people of freedom and compassion: the power imposed on its souls a rigid framework.
Composition of the work
The poem "Anchar" Pushkin created as a plot,because it is a legend. All compositional techniques point to the genre of the parable. The composition is based on contrast, in other words - on the antithesis. The poem is written with a four-legged iambic. Composition "Anchar" Pushkin divided into two parts: the first part describes a tree, and the second narrates about human deeds. The beginning of the second part with the union "but" draws a clear line between nature and man. The concept of life in this work combines with the definition of death: the dead tree has green leaves. There is an obvious antithesis, but these definitions, however, are embodied in a living and unified image. Epithets here contribute to increased contrast. Typical comparisons point to the theme of loneliness and sentimentalism. Semantic repetitions and anaphores give the product of dynamics, and the Anchar tree itself is a metaphor for world evil.