/ / How to record a guy in the phone in an original and tasteful way

How to record a guy in the phone in an original and tasteful way

Many girls after a certain time afterthe beginning of relationships are wondering how to record a guy in the phone. Once you have exchanged contacts with a young person, most likely, it is recorded by name or even in combination with the surname. Agree, this is quite official. But now it's time to allocate his number among other contacts, but how to do it in an original way and how not to sign the chosen one we will tell in this article.

The most pleasant sound is the sound of one's own name

Sometimes you do not need to invent anything, you can justsign your name by name. This option is especially good if you are together for a while and do not know how he will react to this or that "nickname". We can assume that he is not yet ready to see in your phone book his number with the signature "my beloved", he will consider that you are pushing the events too much.

Sometimes the fair sex ladin the phone is signed as a "husband", although they are not married in marriage and moreover, do not even live together. Girls say that they mean that the relationship is serious, and why not record a future husband as a husband. According to the survey results, such a signature frightens men. Many of them have a panic when they think about getting married, and the word "husband" under their phone number simply casts horror. Let's not push our dear guys away and wait a little, even before the official engagement.

how to write a guy in the phone

How to record a guy in the phone, not rushing things,but at the same time highlighting it? The answer is simple: write it by name, but affectionately. For example, not "Sasha", but "Sashenka" and not "Lesha", but "Leshenka". When your dear will see his name in this format, he will be pleased.

Do not create a "menagerie"

On the street, in public places, in the circle of friends, weoften watch lovers couples who call each other the names of animals or, so to speak, cosmic bodies. A typical "hare", "cat", "sun", "star" can be heard everywhere. If you have already given each other such "names" to each other, used to call, say, "bunnies", then the answer to the question "how to record a guy in the phone?" Is already found.

But if you're the first to dare to call a guy"Little animal", make sure that he likes this nickname. Sometimes "breeding zoo" can reach the point of absurdity, girls sign guys "bukash", "chicken", "rabbit" or "ostrich". And then the guy who did not know that he, for example, is such a "bukash", or will be surprised to the depths of his soul, or very angry. After all, he, a strong adult man, simply considers it a mockery to be called "bukash".

my favorite

If you are not ready to refuse such a signature and you really like the new nickname, it is better to coordinate it with a guy in advance and, if he does not mind, you can safely sign it the way you want.


How to sign a guy in the phone usingdiminutive and caressing words, probably, is known to every girl. But keep in mind that many men are not inclined to different "calf tenderness" and some "pupsy" or "gugusik" can just make you crazy.

The best thing in this case is to look into the phoneguy or directly ask how you are subscribed to him. Then you can come up with something like that. For example, if you have it "native", then it can also become "dear", "expensive" or write "my beloved" in your phone book. But believe me, it is rather strange to observe how a girl from a guy has just a "beloved", and the guy at her - "simpampulechka". Many members of the stronger sex simply consider it disrespectful to themselves.

how to sign a guy

How to write a guy in the phone to a contactwas displayed first in the list? Sign it with the letter "A". Say, "Angel", "Cupid" or "Athlete", the latter is especially good if your chosen one is engaged in sports.

How can I record a guy in the phone in an original way?

To sign a beloved originally, you needchoose a name that you are unlikely to hear anywhere else. You need something that only you know about it. For example, as his friends called him, as his mother or some nickname likes to call him with pleasant memories. Just make sure that the man likes this nickname, maybe some of them he considered insulting, if you write it in the phone book, it will simply offend his feelings.

How can I record a guy in the phone in an original way?

That's all. We hope that now you know how to record a guy on the phone, and the new signature will delight you every time your loved one dials your number.

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