/ / Leadership in the light of one of the theories

Leadership in the light of one of the theories

Of elite athletes are not alwaysthe best coaches are obtained. And the best violinist in the orchestra can not necessarily become an upscale conductor. Not every interesting teacher can be an excellent head teacher. So it is necessary to distinguish between the ability to act well and the ability to effectively guide the good actions of others. However, sensible leaders are obtained from good performers, but not all high-level performers can be leaders. How to see a promising employee?

Leadership qualities are abilities and abilitiesorganize problem solving with the help of the team. There are some personality traits that a skilled human resources specialist can identify in the analysis process, but there are obvious ones.

It is worth paying attention to leadership positions,which a person occupied before. Perhaps they will not be related to current activities. For example, the candidate in question was captain of a domestic football team or chairman of a committee of tenants. To such a person it is worth to look at and try to apply these properties of character in the case.

Leadership qualities are also clearly manifested asthe ability of the individual to "create a perspective" for others. Yes, it means the very "fire in the eyes", which some employers like to talk about. The person who has this quality makes the future attractive, bright, interesting. So his subordinates are also addicted and are ready to do much more than the job description.

Also leadership qualities as a mustinclude the ability to perceive challenges in the external environment and the desire to respond to these challenges. That is, a person understands that achieving a goal is not easy, but this does not stop him, but, on the contrary, provokes him. Therefore, the leader should have a sufficiently high self-esteem.

It is very important for a potential leader skillthink and criticize constructively. Therefore, if an employee criticizes the workflow, it is worth asking him to make suggestions for improvement. If you can clearly and clearly deliver a sensible decision, then this is probably the future leader, if not - an ordinary critic.

Leadership qualities necessarily includealso worldly practicality. People with the most vivid ideas can often not become leaders. They need a number of people who will say: "It will work, it's not." And the leader should not be an idea generator, but his (constructive) critic. So the leader needs some grounding, although the enthusiasm should be present, as we already mentioned above.

Yes, still responsibility. Many would like to have a salary of the head, but not all want to worry as much as the leader. Often the boss can not leave work and forget about it, it is the prerogative of the performer, who was put in the framework, having fit into which, he can safely leave the battlefield.

Completion factor. That is, the potential leader does not allow himself and others to stop their activity without completing the assignment. Such a person does not give in to persuasion and is oriented to finish the business by all means. If you see such qualities in the work, this employee is a very good leader.

You also need emotional endurance. Leaders are always alone among workers. They can not reduce the distance and really trust. Those who violate this rule quickly lose their leadership positions. Therefore, a person pretending to be a leader should acquire some snobbery (imperceptible) and get used to the fact that subordinates can never become really close people, and therefore one should not even hope for such a state of affairs.

The foregoing is just one of the concepts, the theoryleadership qualities. There are others, for example, the theory of the great man, who says that the leader comes when the need comes to him. There are at least six theories, but the above is the most reasoned.

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