/ / "In connection with this": do I need a comma? Examples, rules

"In connection with this": do I need a comma? Examples, rules

A person is weak, therefore constantly needs self-affirmation.

Today we have a failure in connection with this, we are already working, very soon everything will be fine.

These statements are combined using the same combination. And in each case the punctuation marks are different. We will understand this problem together.

in connection with this need a comma

A comma between words is not needed

"In this connection" - is a comma between words necessary?

Putting this punctuation mark between words in this combination depends on some features of the syntactic construction. In case the offer is simple, you can not put a comma. For example:

  • I was suspected of this criminal.
  • Mr. Eliot convicted his footman in connection with this deceiver.
  • It is necessary to correct one's own affairs in connection with this situation.

A comma between words is needed

Consider the cases when the question: "In the phrase" In connection with this "do you need a comma?" We will answer: "I need it."

This will happen when the sentence is complex, and one word will remain in its first part, and the other will be at the beginning of the second. Let's give some examples:

  • My neighbor was with my wife in connection, with this I could not put up.
  • This provider often has interruptions in communication, this must be somehow combated.

"In this regard," stands out with commas?
in this connection is allocated with commas

It happens that some people think: are there cases of distinguishing this combination of words? The answer to this question is unequivocal: no. The fact is that the introductory words, addresses, and isolated members are distinguished in the sentence. To none of the listed language phenomena this phrase does not apply.

Before "in connection with this" do you need a comma?

An affirmative answer to this question is possible if the proposal is complex, and the second part begins with this phrase. Here are some examples:

  • At school quarantine was declared, in connection with this, we have unscheduled vacations.
  • Olympiad in all subjects is held in December, in connection with this school tour should be held no later than November.
  • The dining room was closed for special services, in this connection it is necessary to be content with sandwiches.

in this regard, should

  • We will be late tomorrow till evening, therefore, I ask you, dear parents, to provide children with sandwiches.

When you need to put a comma after this combination

Now let's ask this question: after the combination of the words "in connection with this," does a comma need? "It turns out that it is necessary if the first part of a complex sentence ends with it. Let's give examples of such syntactic constructions:

  • He thought in this connection that it became too dangerous to hesitate.
  • It was decided in this connection that the troops should act immediately.
  • The general made a decision in connection with this, that it is necessary to tighten the flanks.
  • The command decided in this connection that it is necessary to immediately take advantage of the current situation.

So we examined the cases in which after "in connection with this" a comma is put.

So, we have considered all possible examplesthe use of such a seemingly simple linguistic phenomenon, which with close acquaintance shows itself a more complex construction: it consists of independent words, then we see in it a preposition, it is used as a subordinate union.

When we are dealing with a combination of "in connection with this,should analyze all possible cases of setting a comma. It is worthwhile in this practice. Next, we offer you special texts that can be used for this purpose.

Text No. 1

Read the text. What is the role of this combination?

after this, a comma is placed

Few people know that the first cuts, orabbreviations, appeared a long time ago - along with writing. The abbreviations, which were in large numbers present in the text, were a necessity, since the material on which books were written was expensive. Even more expensive was the work of the copyist, who worked for months on only one book, in connection with this began to appear standard abbreviations, which every educated person should have known. Usually these were proper names, calling famous people, often used verbs and the most famous biblical and ecclesiastical words.

There were two ways of reducing: either by the first and last letter (in this case, a special title was placed on the abbreviation), or only one letter remained instead of the word.

The answer to the question: is the union that connects the main clause and the subordinate clause with the consequences of value.

Text No. 2

Read the text. Find this combination and determine its role in the proposal.

Despite the fact that in our time language in many waysdiffers from the Old Slavonic, complex words have all the same function - they are pursuing the goal of saving space and time. After all, it is not easier and faster to use a short cut of three letters than to write out a long definition or a name consisting of several, sometimes very complicated, words.

However, the use of such reductions requirestake into account the subtleties and overcome certain difficulties. In particular, it is necessary to determine the type of abbreviations and to be able to incline them. There are unchangeable words, for example, MSU, LLC, and the like, but there are also so-sustained cuts that in the minds of people have the status of a whole word and change accordingly. In connection with this, difficulties arise in the use of abbreviations. You can avoid these difficulties by remembering one simple rule: the genus is defined by the main word: MSU - university (muzh.rod), UN - organization (women).

The answer to the question is: this is a preposition with a pronoun.

Text No. 3

Read the text. Find the right combination and determine its role in the proposal.

in connection with this

I am MTS subscriber, and I often have interruptions inI contacted the nearest office of the provider. But there was nothing I could do to help either. Then she came to another salon, where a young man worked, who did not know anything at all. The only adequate employee was in the third salon. Hearing about interruptions in connection with this question, I turned to someone by phone. Soon everything was normal. But still, I have since decrypted the MTS as "in places you heard."

The answer to the question: in this text there are two cases of using a combination, in both of them words are independent: "in connection" - a noun, "with this" - a demonstrative pronoun.

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