/ / The Revolution of 1905-1907.

Revolution of 1905-1907 years.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian state stooda number of the five largest industrial countries in the world. However, within the state, discontent prevailed among all strata of society. Part of the nobility and the intelligentsia advocated the introduction of the constitution, the peasants desired land landlords. Workers also sought to improve working conditions and raise salaries. An unsuccessful war with Japan filled the cup of discontent.

The revolution of 1905 in Russia began on 9 January. To the Winter Palace came out about one hundred and forty thousand people under the leader of the priest Gapon. They walked with portraits of the king, with icons. There were old people, children, women among them.

Nicholas II orders to disperse the manifestation. The tsar himself left Petersburg. The troops were already standing in the streets.

The demonstrators met with gunshots. As a result, "Bloody Sunday" killed more than a thousand people, wounding about five thousand.

These bloody events immediately stirred up the whole country. Strikes began, workers began to erect barricades.

Revolution of 1905-1907 years. developed rapidly. About sixty thousand workers took part in the strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. In 1905, on May 1, there were mass demonstrations in many cities, peasant performances in many counties. Suddenly, an uprising broke out in the navy. The battleship Potemkin approached accompanied by torpedo boat No. 267 to Odessa on June 15.

In the summer of 1905 the Peasant Union was formed. This first major organization was led by the Socialist-Revolutionaries and liberals. By the autumn of the uprising, the whole country had been captured. The first Russian revolution of 1905 numbered about five million people. The general stratum of workers, begun on October 15, was joined by the middle layers-students, doctors, employees.

By November the Peasant Union united with the workersclass. Mass riots took place in the army and the navy. The biggest uprising was the appearance of sailors on the Ochakov cruiser, led by Lieutenant Schmidt.

After the October events, the Lenin partysupport of the Soviets of People's Deputies organizes preparations for a mass armed uprising. It was assumed that the performance would begin in St. Petersburg. But the St. Petersburg Mensheviks did not act very decisively. This is what the Russian government used. In early December 1905, most of the deputies of the capital were arrested. Petersburg strikers were left without leadership.

Under these conditions, the revolution of 1905-1907. reached its peak. Moscow organizations took the initiative to organize a general uprising. It was assumed that the strike on December 7 would grow into a large-scale armed speech.

At noon on December 7, steam locomotives andfactory hooters in Moscow. Four hundred enterprises stopped working. In the city there were rallies, military squads were formed. The government tried to suppress the insurrection with the help of troops, but the soldiers of the Moscow garrison refused to oppose the workers. The servicemen were disarmed and locked up in barracks.

In December, following the example of Moscow, the uprisings broke out in Rostov, the cities of Transcaucasia, the Baltics, Siberia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, and Perm.

However, the leaders of the uprising in Moscow werearrested. On the orders of the tsar from St. Petersburg, the Semenov regiment arrived. Barricades, arranged by the workers, were destroyed in the shortest possible time. On December 19, by order of the Moscow Soviet, the armed struggle was stopped. All have returned to their workplaces.

In the following year, in 1906, more than a million workers took part in the strike. Flaring uprisings were quickly suppressed by the government.

The tsar dissolves the State Duma in July 1906of the year. At the same time there are unrest in Kronstadt, Revel, Sveaborg. In June of the following year, 1907, the tsar disperses the second, even more opposition, than the first, the State Duma. The electoral law was also amended.

Revolution of 1905-1907 years. characterized by contemporaries as a bourgeois-democratic speech. The main purpose of this mass uprising was the desire to destroy the landowning landownership and autocracy.

Revolution of 1905-1907 years. formed the preconditions for an armed uprising in 1917.

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