/ / Zhirkova Inna - the wife of Yuri Zhirkov and Mrs. Russia. Glory that she did not dream of

Zhirkova Inna is the wife of Yuri Zhirkov and Mrs. Russia. Glory that she did not dream of

Zhirkova Inna, a girl about whom no one is practicallyI did not know, in 2012 I became very popular in the media. This happened not because of the involvement in the star name of the spouse. Glory to her brought scandalous film Skobelev "Crowned individuals", revealing the details of beauty contests.

Zhirkova Inna

Who is she?

The name that stirred up a lot of media - Zhirkova Inna. What made her famous? And the person about whom they speak, whose life they are interested in, is already interesting to the mass audience and the reader. Hence, already famous. The name Zhirkov was received by Inna after the marriage. Not because they became interested in the girl, that she is the wife of a successful football player and player of the Russian team.

Zhirkova Inna in 2012 received the title "Mrs. Russia" at the competition. What caused this interest? Virtue or intelligence she won the jury?

How to become a queen

One Russian TV channel interviewedwhich showed itself in all its glory Zhirkova Inna. The audience did not see the real queen, she did not brilliantly answer all the questions, no one could determine where her talents lie.

Followers of the competition know each lineRegulations on the conduct of "Mrs. Russia". Who of the girls can achieve the high title of queen of beauty? The document clearly states that this should be an active and educated, developed spiritually and beautiful woman. Girls who participated in the contest were asked a lot of questions. Zhirkova Inna, not hiding, said that she does not deal withsocially significant activity. It turned out that she did not work anywhere and does not work at the moment. Inna does not represent the difference between erudition and beauty. It's good for her to look good.

About family, education and love

The winner of the contest Inna Zhirkova, biography which is interesting to many - a native of Kazakhstan. She graduated from the nine-year school and entered the technical school. She began to study the crafts and crafts of the Khokhloma painting. Evening school gives Inna a secondary education. Since fourteen years the girl has taken a great interest in modeling business. Becomes "Miss Kaliningrad", decides not to stop there and in 2006 submits an application for participation in the contest "Miss Russia". Disease interferes with the decision to participate in the competition. The dream will come true much later.

Inna Zhirkova children

Continuation of the genus of celebrities

In 2007, Yuri Zhirkov played for CSKA Moscow. Inna came to Moscow to a friend. As usual among young people, they met at a youth party. The girl did not know that the celebrity was in front of her, but the romance romped quickly. Less than a year, Yuri and Ina met, then got married. The wedding was magnificent.

Inna Zhirkova, children and Career - the main thing that filled all lifethe famous football player. The young family has already two children, a boy and a girl. Dima's son, Mom and Dad plan to give to the football school, so that he will follow in the footsteps of the famous father. In 2010, the daughter of Milan was born. And this is not the limit, as Inna herself claims.

Inna Zhirkova biography

And if it's love

Spouses respect and love each other, they tryalways be together. If circumstances permit, Inna goes after the husband to the camp. If she is forced to stay with the children at home, she always calls before the responsible and decisive match and wishes her beloved wife a successful game. The son and daughter of the Zhirkovs see the pope most often on the television screen. Spouses look great together - both beautiful and young, slim and tall. The growth of Inna Zhirkova is combined with the growth of the two-time Russian football champion Yuri Zhirkov.

Inna Zhirkova, height, weight, having such, what wasspecified in the requirements for the participants of the beauty contest, decides to prove to everyone that the woman is created for family life. After all, the birth of a new life, the preservation of the family hearth is the main purpose of women. And she succeeded to the full. The beauty crown at the contest on Inna's head is a direct proof of that.

The growth of Inna Zhirkova

Inna Zhirkova and her virtues

Queen beauty together with her husbandhave acted very nobly, having presented a minibus to the orphanage of Sofia. And the reason for this noble decision was a beauty contest. During the preparation for it, during the rehearsals the contestants often visited the orphanage.

Wife of the football field star took upbusiness, most recently she opened a studio. Here they sew whole sets of clothes to order, they make collection family sets. Demonstration of collection clothes was held on the shore of the reservoir in Khimki. The beach represented the podium, the spectators settled on the sand. Famous models, girlfriends Zhirkova, presented collectible dresses and kits.

When the show was coming to an end, on the podium allviewers saw Inna with her son and daughter. Dmitri and Milan looked cute and fascinated all the guests of the holiday. Inna wants women and all members of their family to dress beautifully.

Inna and Yuri will soon become parents of many children. And this is not the limit. Inna is sure that living in a large family is very good. After all, Yuri himself has many brothers and sisters and is very happy about this.

Inna Zhirkova height weight

Not immediately came the confession to Inna. After the attacks of journalists, she did not dare to appear for a long time in public. A month later she appeared on the beautiful birthday party Yuri arranged for her. Among the guests were famous people.

To be famous is a great responsibility. All this imposes a certain imprint on a person, on his behavior. He is constantly in the public eye, and once again you need to think about how and how to say how to dress.

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