/ / Inna Bogoslovskaya: short biography and political career

Inna Bogoslovskaya: short biography and political career

Theological Inna Germanovna - famousUkrainian lawyer, public figure and politician. Known for the most part because of his quick temper and straightforwardness, which has repeatedly led to heated debates. However, it is not necessary to believe that this is the only thing that this politician can boast of.

inna theological

Inna Bogoslovskaya: biography of early years

Inna Germanovna was born on August 5, 1960 in theKharkov. Her father was a cadre military Herman Bogoslovsky, and his mother was a state lawyer Lyudmila Gudyria. She spent all her childhood in this city. She received her higher education at the Kharkov Law Institute.

Immediately after graduation, Inna Bogoslovskayawent to work in the Kharkov Regional Bar Association. She was engaged in both civil and criminal cases. To improve her qualification in 1989, Bogoslovskaya entered the correspondence department of the Institute of State and Law of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The beginning of a long way

The collapse of the Soviet Union led toredistribution of the main roles in the political arena of Ukraine. For Inna Bogoslovskaya, the change of power was beneficial. She, as an experienced lawyer, was invited to the legal college of the Verkhovna Rada. Here she for two years was engaged in the drafting and editing of normative acts, which later became the legal basis in independent Ukraine.

Thanks to work in the parliament, Inna Bogoslovskayaearned the glory of an excellent lawyer. Soon, a whole crowd of customers are building up to her. At the same time, many of them are ready to part with a tidy sum, if only theological problems are engaged in it. Taking advantage of the moment, in 1994 the lawyer opens his own audit service "MAS", and a year later establishes a consulting group "Prudence".

Over the years, Inna Bogoslovskaya's fame onlyincreased. Many respected people spoke positively about her work. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1997 she was elected head of the Kharkov regional organization of lawyers. In the same year she was appointed deputy chairman of the Union of Lawyers of Ukraine. Thus, to her 37 years Inna Bogoslovskaya becomes one of the most famous legal experts in the country.

Theological Inna

Political career

Inna Germanovna got to the parliament in 1998as an independent deputy from the Kharkov region. At the same time, her political activity began to manifest itself from the first days. She took part in the development of the new Tax, Criminal, Civil and Economic Code. In addition, many remember her as an ardent supporter of the Velvet Revolution, which in 2000 significantly reduced the influence of Communists in the Verkhovna Rada.

In 2001, Inna Bogoslovskaya joined theConstitutional Democratic Party. However, in the elections, its political strength does not pass even a minimal barrier. The same failure awaits her at the next parliamentary race in 2006. However, despite the setbacks, she still manages to break into power in 2003, to get the post of head of the State Committee of Ukraine for Entrepreneurship and regular politics.

 Inna theological photo

Social activity

Inna Bogoslovskaya left the parliament in 2004in connection with disagreement with the policy of the current authorities. Instead, she is actively engaged in public activities aimed at fostering a new worship of Ukrainians. To do this, the former politician creates an association "Veche Ukraine".

The result of her actions is the opening of the Youthschools of leadership. This project has allowed to unite thousands of Ukrainian students with a common goal - the desire to make their country the best. In addition, under the auspices of this organization, young people were able to obtain additional education related to the development of personal qualities and the ability to work in the same team.

Inna theological biography

Back to politics

In 2007, everyone will find out again that in electionsInna Bogoslovskaya participates. The photo and surname of the politician appear on the ballots of the "Party of Regions" faction. This time it goes to the parliament. But already in 2009 he leaves the party.

In 2010, Inna Germanovna is trying to win onpresidential election, but it turns out to be a rather weak competitor. After such a fiasco again returns to the "Party of Regions". However, the events of "EuroMaidan" force her to change her convictions and leave the government of Viktor Yanukovych.

In 2014, Bogoslovskaya resigns from the parliament. Since that day, the lawyer has given himself all over to social activities, only occasionally taking part in political talk shows and discussions.

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