/ / Art Gallery (Penza): history of the museum, main exposition, events

Picture gallery (Penza): history of the museum, main exposition, events

Penza Regional Art Gallery named after KA Savitsky is the most visited cultural place of the city. His name is well known to connoisseurs outside the city.

art gallery penza


The Picture Gallery (Penza) began to be created at the very end XIX century. Its founder was the incumbent governor Nikolai Dmitriyevich Seliverstov. After his death, he bequeathed the canvases he collected to create a museum. The collection was shown at the local craft school. It was there that the first picture gallery was created. Penza honored the memory of the governor, calling the exposition named Seliverstov.

museum of one painting

In addition to paintings, Nikolai Dmitrievich also bequeatheda significant amount of money that was used according to his will. Five years later, a separate building was built for the city's art school. In the same room was an art gallery. Penza and its residents, as well as students who studied at the school, made every effort to arrange and fill the museum's collections.

Less than ten years after the death of Governor Seliverstov, as the newly created school could already boast an art collection of the expanded to three departments.

The total number of copies exceeded two hundredexhibits. At that time, three sections of the gallery were singled out, containing works by artists from Dutch and Italian schools, foreign masters and the Russian department.

Penza regional art gallery named after Savitsky

Contribution of KA Savitsky

K.A. Savitsky led the school immediately after its opening. It was at his insistence that the general (male and female) education of students was organized. Thanks specifically to his contribution, separate art workshops were set up.

Many famous artists gave their museumscanvases. After all, their goal was one with Savitsky - the best art gallery. Penza and all of its province were driven out by Savitsky. He collected various rare copies of art and life in the collection. Konstantin Appolonovich set himself a serious task - to maximize the exposure.

In the filling of the museum participated the whole Penza. The picture gallery, whose exhibitions glorified the city to the whole region, was replenished by donations from patrons of art. For example, General Bogolyubov, during his lifetime, handed over to the collection of more than thirty works of art, and after his death bequeathed almost two hundred more works of art.

Evaluation of Savitsky's contribution to the development and preservation of the city's cultural heritage was delivered much later. Only in 1955 his offspring was awarded the honor of bearing the name of Constantine Appolonovich.

Penza picture gallery of the exhibition

After the Russian Empire

After the revolution and the change of power of the city, the gallery and school were separated from each other. The first was combined with the museum of local lore that already existed.

Only after 10 years the gallery was returned to its independence, which it retained until our days.

Gallery today

Today's collection of works consists of a huge number of exhibits, the number of which exceeds 10,000 paintings.

The permanent exhibition is very interesting andis diverse. Even the most picky connoisseur of painting can satisfy the feeling of beauty by visiting it. In the permanent exhibition, you will be able to study more than 1,000 best works from the gallery collection.

Significantly highlights the current permanent exhibitionmuseum is that it was introduced into the commonwealth of three memorial museums of the city, telling guests about the life and work of scientists and painters whose names are closely connected with the Penza region.

Temporary activities

The museum has become a place where art events, musical and cinematic evenings, family celebrations and even wedding photo sessions are held regularly.

Recently, the gallery promotes a unique andan interesting project "Museum of a Painting". Regular themed evenings will be held throughout the spring. The premiere of the event is scheduled for March this year. The theme of the first swallow was the painting by I. I. Shishkin "The Aspen Forest". The lecture was accompanied by a screening of a movie timed to coincide with the 185th anniversary of the great Russian artist.

Also, one museum plans to present a museuma movie called "Touching the Mystery," which tells of Varvara Rimsky-Korsakov. The theme of the event was her portrait of FK Winterhalter.

A unique project was rightfully assessed by connoisseurs and lovers of painting. They confidently declare that to visit Penza and not to go to the famous gallery means not to see the city in full.

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