Globalization: the pros and cons
Globalization is the result of verya complex fusion of economic, civilizational, social, political and many other processes in the modern world. However, among these innumerable factors, it is necessary to highlight especially the huge changes in the productive forces, world trade, media and specialization. Many researchers say first of all that economic globalization is taking place.
Trade and technology encompass the world with new andnew network links, making national borders more transparent. As a result of globalization, the weight of national sovereignty changes significantly and decreases, undermining the position of the state in the role of the main subject in the system of international relations. It turns out that all the changes in the productive forces become an obligatory source of change in all other spheres of life, including the political one.
Globalization: the pros and cons of society
From what was said above, one can doa very important conclusion: if, as an inevitable result of globalization, we get a reduction in sovereignty, then together we will inevitably face the colossal changes in the behavior of states as a whole, as well as of companies and groups, and we can not exclude the masses of ordinary people. Usually, we argue about the destinies of states quite often, and they talk about this issue much less often. It is important to understand that national borders are being eroded under the pressure of modern economic and technical forces. The reason for this is a number of factors, including the significant development of transport, trade, the increasing role of TNCs, international capital and other. During globalization, states and territories and regions no longer interact in the world. The fastest growing areas are supranational. As an example, we can cite the development of the Internet or space technologies, which are being used at ever higher rates for commercial purposes. It turns out that modern man takes on the tasks of a mini-station engaged in receiving and transmitting various information, while bypassing the existing national borders - this is the globalization, the pros and cons of which we are considering. But here the question was considered from the point of view of society, and now it is worthwhile to look from a different perspective.
Globalization: the pros and cons of national economies
The close interrelation of the economies of states is oftenbecomes the cause of a very fast and completely uncontrollable reaction to the occurrence of local crises in different parts of the planet. This was confirmed by financial crises in various countries, which have not yet ended. Financial markets are inherently unstable and unpredictable. One of the main reasons for this instability is the backlog of political mechanisms from an economy that has long overgrown national borders and does not require any supranational planning. It turns out that globalization, the pros and cons of which are here considered, requires a new world order. However, who will determine the basic rules? With the light hand of a number of political scientists, globalization looks like a process of imposing the will of the United States on the whole world, as well as the establishment of a new order in the world that will benefit only the United States. Of course, this may turn out to be true, but no one can keep this order constantly. This is due to the fact that the presence of a certain trend can not indicate that everything has already been planned.
It is difficult to embrace such a concept in such a small material as globalization, for and against which one can speak endlessly.