Strategic planning in marketing as a basis for business success
There are three main concepts thatcause success in business: success, leadership genius (leadership) and planning. And if luck is the ability to be at the right time in the right place and luck, and the genius of the leader is a personal quality that is not always developed by the majority, planning is a process that everyone can master and build their business efficiently and in short lines to achieve their goals.
We will talk a little about planning, more precisely we will open concept strategic planning in marketing.
Strategic planning in marketing asthe planning process as a whole involves the search for and definition of strategies, as well as activities that ensure their achievement for a certain period of time, which is calculated on the assumptions about the implementation of the plan in the future.
Strategic planning in marketing playsa key role, since it involves maintaining a strategic balance between the opportunities and goals set for the organization (the company) when market conditions and external factors change.
Strategic planning in marketing has its goal - to find and highlight the most promising directions of the company's movement, which allow to ensure its reliable and stable growth and prosperity.
Interest in this type of planning is also caused bythe ability to carry out strategic marketing control with his help, but in addition there are a number of other reasons why planning at the strategic level is beneficial and effective, we will examine them in more detail.
The first is the understanding of staff and managementThe fact that any business structure (enterprise organization) is essentially an open system and the main sources ensuring success are outside the enterprise.
Secondly, with the aggravation of competition, strategic planning in marketing ensures survival and is one of the decisive factors in doing so.
In the third, such planning allows for a sensitive and timely, and most importantly adequate response to various factors related to uncertainty and risk from the external environment.
Fourth, given the unpredictability of the processes inthe future with 100% probability, strategic planning allows, thanks to the extrapolation method and a number of forecasting tools, to build a clear scheme in which to identify possible risks and losses, as well as to outline the most likely profits. And using the flexibility of the planning system, you can create several directions and plans that can differ from each other by changes in the external environment, respectively, the behavior of the organization for such changes.
In addition, one of the reasons for attractivenessstrategic planning can be described as follows: Planning this level allows foreseeing in advance the possibility of changing the change of management and production, based on the latest developments in this area. That is, if today some technologies are still developing, be it a management environment or production, then using data on such technologies, you can gradually lead your organization to the transition to such technologies. That allows you to significantly outstrip competitors who do not use such a concept as strategic innovation marketing.
If we sum up the strategic planningin marketing, it is a kind of symbiosis, combining intuition and the ability to lead, organize and set tasks for the staff to achieve specific goals. Such planning is based on concrete conclusions from the analysis of past periods, and consideration of planning and development of plans for the medium and short term.