Why do hair fall after giving birth?
It's no secret that in the period of bearing a babywomen significantly improve the condition of the hair. This is the time of the heyday of female beauty. At pregnancy hair become denser and more magnificent, do not drop out and practically do not break. The organism becomes stronger during the most beautiful condition of a woman, the work of all systems is activated, preparing for the birth of a new life.
To my great regret, after childbirth appearsthe problem of hair loss. They seem to lose their young strength, begin to break down, become dull and lifeless. This spoils the mood of a young mother, creates discomfort and additional troubles, which with the birth of a child and so missing.
One of the unpleasant moments for blondebeauties can become a natural darkening of the hair in the postpartum period. This is considered quite a frequent phenomenon and is associated with the fact that the hormonal background has changed greatly after the transfer of such an important and difficult test as childbirth.
So, the hair falls out after childbirth. What are the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon? A question that interests so many women. Let's talk about it.
There are many reasons. The first can be called that there is a natural and constant process of renewing the human body: hair falls out and grows new. This happens in all people every day throughout life. Including those who gave birth to a child. During pregnancy, this process is suspended, but after the birth of the baby the body returns to its former state and hair begins to pour in much faster, because it is necessary to make up for lost time for renewal. If, after childbirth, the condition of the scalp is normal and there are no health problems, you should not worry: the hair will not fall out intensively, or it will continue for a short time.
After giving birth, hair falls out for another reason. During the entire lactation period - the production of human milk for feeding the baby - the hormone level in a woman changes, especially the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the condition and health of our hair.
In addition, hair falls out after childbirth due tosuffered stress, poor sleep, great emotional stress during labor and during the postpartum period, lack of nutrition, vitamins and trace elements, in particular calcium, which was spent on a child.
Special reasons for the loss of hair after birth are cesarean section and the use of strong, so-called general anesthesia.
A young mother, and especially one that feeds the child not with mixtures, but with breast milk, causes plenty of hair loss.
And if you lose hair after giving birth, do notpanic - this is a natural process, which every mother carries in the postpartum period. The state of insomnia, unrest, changes in hormones in the body - all these are the first signs of pregnancy and maternity, and all this, of course, affects the condition of your hair.
How to strengthen hair in the postpartum period? You can use folk remedies: rinsing and rubbing broths and masks from medicinal herbs, applying burdock oil.
You can just cut off old fragile hair,leave only the renewed and healthy, which will continue to grow fully. The use of vitamins and proper nutrition is also a very important and proven method. Fresh products, a varied menu, a sufficient number of vegetables and fruits will become a reliable support for you and your hair.
Watch your health, take care of your hair, pampering them with various masks and healing decoctions, and everything will be fine. The kid will see a beautiful, gorgeous mother next to her.