/ / For what reason do hair fall out and how to deal with it

For what reason do hair fall out and how to deal with it

There are many causes of hair loss. There are about three hundred of them: different types of baldness, the state of stress, the hormonal background of a person, which directly depends on the emotional state, the lack of vitamins, minerals, and others.

It may be that the problem lies withsurface. Hair falls out due to the fact that they are exposed to frequent staining, varnishing, drying with a hair dryer, curling iron and other harmful influences. In this case, it is enough just to take care of the damaged hair properly and after a while it will be possible to restore to them a healthy appearance. You can assume that in this case you got off with a slight fright.

What to do when the hair falls out, break and split?

Often, the problem is solved using folkfunds within two to three months. Use masks to strengthen hair and treat scalp. There are a lot of folk recipes, there is not one universal mask. But many of these methods helped. Try different recipes and try to determine what is right for you. Choose something that you like.

If loss is provoked by more serious causes, then it is necessary to visit specialists in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Do not hesitate to ask the doctor questions. After all, you should be aware of what pros and cons are the treatment prescribed to you.

If the hair began to fall out, and the tips completelythinning, it indicates that you have problems with the endocrine system. If the fallout is very intense, it means that the thyroid gland needs to be checked. If the hair stopped growing, then there was an imbalance in the body, it could be caused by avitaminosis, stress. The appearance of dandruff indicates a disease of the scalp. Deterioration of hair - their thinning, and also loss, can appear against a background of deficiency of iron. This affects about 80% of women. And in general, at least once in a lifetime, every woman has problems with hair.

After determining the reason whyhair falls out, treatment is just necessary. The problem is that the hair begins to fall out not immediately after the stress of the body, but after a couple of months. Therefore, the reason is not so easy to determine. Well, if the reason is still known, you need to try to eradicate it, and not get rid of the symptoms.

For example, hair can fall out after sometreatment as a result of exposure to strong medications. Before starting to be treated for hair loss, you need to cancel the drugs that cause such effects, or replace them with others. Then you need to restore the body's immunity, which was weakened by those same drugs.

When the cause of hair loss is eliminated,go to the next stage - the restoration of normal hair growth. To do this, you can use the following methods: scalp massage, special shampoos, masks, oils, etc.

Some people prefer to think that the problem withhair will be resolved by itself, that there are no reasons for concern. Others, on the contrary, panic. First of all, it is necessary to calm down, the most important thing is not to panic. Then the chances of recovering the hair will increase significantly. Once you overcome this serious psychological barrier, you will feel the strength to fight the disease, because of which hair falls out strongly.

Here is an approximate plan of action.

  1. Visiting doctors, accompanied by the delivery of tests and examinations.
  2. Determination of the cause, diagnosis.
  3. Strict adherence to doctor's recommendations.
  4. Positive thinking, hardness of mind, avoidance of stressful situations.
  5. Refusal of a hair dryer, hair dyes, gels, varnishes, stylings, etc.
  6. Use of folk remedies for hair restoration.
  7. The intake of vitamins, both natural and pharmacy.
  8. Change the diet, which should be balanced.

Depending on the reason for whichhair fall out, the process of rehabilitation can last a very long time. Do not wait for the visible effect in a couple of weeks. Two weeks is only the beginning. Have to be patient and endurance.

And another important point that is not worth itUnderestimate when hair falls out strongly, haircuts and hair care for the lunar calendar are desirable. The movement of the moon has an active influence on hair growth, as well as their quality. Choosing the right time, you protect yourself from problems associated with loss.

Remember that a healthy person has healthy and strong hair. Hair is an indicator of the state of the body.

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