Facial massage against wrinkles - everything is in your hands!
Every woman knows what it's like, having coped withall the difficulties in styling hair, selecting clothes, shoes, encounter hated "crow's feet" - wrinkles. Age can not be stopped, and, in addition, under the influence of far from favorable environmental influences, stresses, incorrectly selected cosmetics, the skin on the face begins to deteriorate and grow old.
Sometimes, even very young people beginto notice unpleasant wrinkles on the face. The reason for this - too active facial expressions, exhausting diets and smoking. Therefore, if you do not want to be horrified in a mirror in a few years, but you want to preserve youthfulness and elasticity of the skin of your face, you need to seriously puzzle this problem.
Today all fashion magazines, the worldwide network andTV is full of miraculous creams and other anti-wrinkle remedies. It is a pity that many girls and women believe promising advertising. No, remember - no cream will not save you from wrinkles. After all, only in combination with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is it really possible to achieve the effect. Be sure to include in this complex facial massage against wrinkles. You can doubt your abilities as a cosmetologist, and run to the salon for the most expensive massage session. But, do not rush, no one knows your body and face better than you. And, consequently, only you can make a good massage yourself. It is necessary only to perfect the right technique and not be lazy.
Facial massage against wrinkles will benefit, onlyif you control your facial expressions and get rid of grimaces that are too much influencing the formation of "crow's feet." For this, it is worth giving a couple of minutes of communication with the mirror and, by causing various emotions, to trace the changes in the expression of your face. Some will have to get rid of. Do not think that this is a very complicated task. The habit is sharpening the character.
To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, you cantry oriental massage. It should be done solely with the fingertips. All fingers are involved, except for the nameless. Starting with light strokes from the bridge of the nose to the eyebrows, from the eyebrows gently to the temples, from the temples smoothly to the lower eyelid and around the eyes, finishing with light tapping on the same circle, you activate all important points and improve blood circulation.
Facial massage against wrinkles can come up everyone. The main rule is not to stretch the skin, but, for example, when tapping, imagine that you are applying a cream. Do not ignore the care of sensitive skin. Be sure, before the massage, treat the skin with a gentle moisturizer. And it is better to refrain from the massage, if the skin has many pustules and acne. Interaction of affected areas with fingers can only exacerbate the state of abscesses.
How many questions like "how to find the best cream fromwrinkles "comes in various headings of magazines. Dear women, this cream simply does not exist. Because there are no identical types of skin. Yes, manufacturers of cosmetics can choose special means for dry or oily skin, but even this sometimes does not help to choose the perfect remedy. Unfortunately, one has to resort to the trial and error method and one by one to try different creams. Only in the clinic, after carrying out the necessary tests, you can pick up some individual remedy, but even it is not always miraculous.
That's why it's better to trust only yourself anddaily, and preferably in the morning and in the evening, to do a simple facial massage against wrinkles. After two weeks of regular massage, you can see positive results. In addition to improving the condition of your skin, this massage is very relaxing both the facial muscles and yourself.