Hardware massage of face and body
Vacuum-roller or hardware massage,performed on the technology lpg, is one of the most effective procedures used today to update the skin of the face, correction and modeling of the figure, fight against cellulite and a general tightening of the body.
If you want to tighten the skin in a short time,make contours more smooth and harmonious, then this is the way modern cosmetology will provide the most effective help. Moreover, in addition to cosmetic effects, the hardware massage lpg also has a therapeutic effect. An excellent result of this procedure is achieved through the combined effects of vacuum, vibration and constantly rotating rollers.
Aesthetic cosmetology uses this kind oftherapy for overweight, eliminating the "orange peel", treating cellulite on the back of the thigh and in the buttocks. Also, hardware massage stimulates metabolic processes, increases blood circulation, helps to eliminate swelling and swelling. It helps to improve microcirculation and enhance lymph flow, stimulates the lymphatic system and cleanses the body of excess fluid and toxins. In addition, hardware massage tones up the muscles and restores the elasticity of the skin.
Currently, lpg technology is used as aseparately, and in conjunction with other techniques, for example, with liposuction. In most salons and clinics this kind of massage is an obligatory part of the rehabilitation process after surgical liposuction. The use of the hardware technique can significantly improve the result of the operation by performing an additional skin tightening.