Types of massages: Classic facial massage
The beauty industry is constantly evolving,offering consumers new and improving already known technologies. To look young, but at the same time it is natural, while preserving the features of facial expressions and their individual features - this is the main goal of any cosmetic procedures.
Lifting facial massage is a procedure whenpleasant combined with useful. It helps the skin to stay taut, healthy and young for a long time, contributing to the normalization of metabolism, improving blood circulation and facilitating the release of metabolic products. The main indicator for the course of massage is a dull complexion, discontent with the contours of the face, a feeling of fatigue, as well as a significant decrease in tone.
Facial massage, usually divided into three types: plastic, classical and plucked (Jacquet). Separation into species assumes different principles of action on the skin.
The most common kind among massages -classical facial massage. It is produced using 4 basic methods: rubbing, stroking, kneading and vibrations. Such a massage reanimates dry, fading, dehydrated skin, smoothes scars, post acne, fine wrinkles, increases muscle tone. It heats the muscles, accelerates blood, increases the elasticity of the fibers, increases their ability to stretch. A classical facial massage is performed using massage oil or cream.
The impact of plastic massage on the facestronger than the classical. Conduct it when the skin fades or the face is full and therefore the skin and muscles require more active exposure. Massage is done on talcum powder, without cream.
The strongest massage is the plucked massage (Jacquet). The method involves rhythmic tingling, produced by the forefinger and thumb. During the procedure, the skin is seized, affecting both its surface layer and deeper. In this method of massage, talc is used.
Classic facial massage, like the rest of itspecies, should not be carried out with any violation of the integrity of the skin, wound, pustules, herpes, inflammatory processes, enlarged or closely located to the surface of the skin vessels. A means for massage is chosen, focusing on the skin condition. For oily skin, olive oil plus a few drops of lemon juice will do. When dry, a cooled cream is recommended. At home, fading skin is suitable massage with ice cubes, which returns an excellent tone and a healthy beautiful complexion.
Modern massage techniques, in the hands of the skilfulan experienced specialist, can do without radical measures, for example, plastic surgery. The increased sensitivity of the muscular mass of the face responds well to the competent manipulations of the masseur - passive gymnastics takes place, so to speak. It is quite realistic to give the face an oval clearness, to return the skin firmness, and at the same time - to remove the second chin and get rid of scars and pigment spots.
Therapeutic face massage performedqualified specialist, can give a pleasant "side effect" in the form of the disappearance of headaches or eyelid twitches. The masseur will correctly select the type of procedure, massage aids and calculate the necessary duration of the session.
Given the fact that a person is one of the mainreflexogenic zones, where the activation points of all systems and organs are projected, the bonus to facial rejuvenation will be a healthy and general stimulating effect.
Classic face massage is not traumatic, does not have any unpleasant consequences and is accessible to everyone, which makes the procedure universal for a wide range of age groups.
Contraindications: pustular inflammation.