How to remove inscriptions from a picture with the help of a graphic editor?
The situation when you need to get rid of someThe inscription present in the picture appears quite often. For example, it may be necessary to remove the logo of the company from the advertisement or even simply the date from the photo itself. Erase unnecessary detail can be the means of almost any of the existing to date graphic editors. So, how to remove the inscriptions from the picture?
Graphic Paint Editor
In the event that the inscription is located on themonophonic background, you can remove it by using the tools of the Paint editor. This program is available on any home computer with Windows. In order to open it, you need to click the "Start" - "All Programs" button, and then go to the "Standard" item.
How to remove the inscription from the picture in Paint?
So, you found the application and opened it. What next? And then open our picture by going to the main menu and clicking on the "Open" item. Select the desired image in the folder in which it is located.
Remove the inscription in Paint by simply copyingpart of the background and putting a patch on it. To do this, click on the triangle under the "Select" item. In the menu that appears, select the "Rectangular Area" tool. Next, we place the cursor transformed into a cross into that part of the picture where there is an image free from the image. Then we clamp the mouse button (left) and select a small rectangular area. Place the cursor in the formed rectangle, press the mouse button (right) and in the appeared menu select the item "Copy".
Now click anywhere in the picture and againclick on the right button. In the box, select the "Paste" line. Now let's see how to remove the inscriptions from the picture. To do this, drag the resulting patch to the text by clicking on it and holding the mouse button (left). Most likely, it will not completely cover the inscription. Therefore, it will need to be stretched. To do this, place the cursor in the corner of the patch. As a result, it is converted into a diagonally directed arrow. Hold the mouse button (left) and drag the patch to the side, down or up until it increases to the desired size. Correct its position in such a way that the inscription was completely closed.
Photoshop Editor
Graphic editor "Photoshop" for todayday is the most popular of all intended for working with images of applications. The widest possibilities of this program are used by both professionals (artists, photographers, etc.), and amateurs. The editor is not free. However, working with it is much more convenient than with most similar programs. With its help, you can delete unnecessary text not only from a monophonic, but also from a non-uniform background texture.
Graphical editor Photoshop® CS5
First, let's look at how to remove the inscriptionfrom the picture in Photoshop CS5. The way to get rid of unnecessary parts of the picture in this version is slightly different from that used in earlier versions of the program. It is somewhat easier and takes less time. About how to get rid of the inscription in earlier versions, we'll tell you just below.
How to remove the inscription in Photoshop® CS5?
Open the purchased program and click onthe "File" - "Open" button. Select the photo that needs correction. In order to work with the inscription was more convenient, it is worth it to increase. This can be done using the Magnifier tool.
Now let's see how to remove the inscriptions from the picture. To do this, select "Lasso" or "Rectangular selection" in the navigator and select the text. Then on the control panel go to the tab "Edit" and in the menu that appears, select the line "Run fill". After that, the "Fill" dialog box will be displayed. Here in the "Use" area we select the "Taking into account the content" item. In the "Overlay" area, apply the following settings: opacity - 100%, mode - normal. Now click on the OK button. As a result of all these manipulations, the selected area will fill with a background.
Remove the labels in the Photoshop® CS6 editor
Consider how to remove the inscription from the image in"Photoshop CS 6". This is done in the same way as in Photoshop® CS5. Also open our picture, going through the items "File" - "Open". Then again copy the Background layer and increase the unnecessary label. After that go to the section "Edit" - "Fill" and perform the necessary settings in the dialog box that appears.
How to remove inscriptions in other versions of the "Photoshop" editor using the "Stamp" tool
In earlier versions of the program, remove unnecessary detailsfrom the picture you can use the "Stamp" tool. This work is very simple, but requires a certain amount of accuracy. The Background layer in this case also needs to be copied.
So, how to remove the inscriptions from the picture tool"Stamp"? To begin with, we increase it with the "Lupa" tool. Take the "Stamp" and place the cursor-circle on a free background area somewhere near it. Clamp the Alt key and click on the selected area. In this case, the circle-cursor will decrease in size, and inside it will appear a cross. Then move it to the inscription. After releasing the Alt key, click on it. As a result, part of the background is copied over the inscription. Step by step we fill the entire area requiring correction. It is possible to click on the background with the Alt key held down more than once. In this case, the final result will look much more accurate.
How to remove the inscription in the program "Photoshop" by cloning?
The cloning method in the Photoshop editor is similar toThe way we looked at the beginning for the Paint program. The inscription is removed using the Lasso or Rectangular tool. All that is required is to select that part of the background that will serve as a patch. With the "Rectangular Area" tool, simply stretch the square on the desired area. With the help of "Lasso" you can make more complex selections. The resulting patch must be copied to a new layer. To do this, also using the tools "Lasso" or "Rectangular area", click on the selected area with the mouse button (right) and in the pop-up window select the line "Copy to a new layer". A new one will appear in the Layers window with a patch. In the working field it will not be highlighted.
At the very last stage it will be necessary to merge alllayers into one. To do this, click the mouse (right) button anywhere in the picture and select the "Merge Layers" item in the displayed menu. As a result, there will be one Background with an already deleted label.
So, you, most likely, now understand howremove the inscription from the picture. "Photoshop" and other graphics programs allow you to perform this operation in just a few clicks. In Paint, you can do this by selecting a patch, copying and closing the text. This same technique, along with the method of painting with the "Stamp" tool, can be used in the "Photoshop" editor of earlier versions. In Photoshop, starting with CS5, the removal is even easier - automatically, using the "Fill with content" tool.