How to change the size of a layer in Photoshop: step by step instruction, description and recommendations
Beginners master graphic editorPhotoshop first time lost before its rich functionality. One of the most incomprehensible moments is working with layers. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to change the size of the layer in Photoshop correctly.
Why change the size of the layer?
The main reason you canIt is required to change the area of the layer - this is the conflict of the main background image and the additional one, which is placed above it by a separate layer. The insertion can be more or less background, so that the collage looked harmonious, it needs to be increased or decreased to fit into the overall picture.
![how to change the size of a layer in photoshop](/images/kompyuteri/kak-izmenit-razmer-sloya-v-fotoshope-poshagovaya-instrukciya-opisanie-i-rekomendacii.jpg)
Let us clarify that explaining to the reader how to changethe size of the layer in Photoshop, we use a formal, abstract formulation. All the manipulations presented by us will not affect its area in any way, they will concern only the visible part - the one that we need to inscribe in the picture. Therefore, it will be more correct to say that we change the size of the visible content of the layer.
How do I change the size of a layer in Photoshop?
Step by step we will analyze the whole process:
- In the right side of the screen, select the required in the layers palette - click the left mouse button (LMB) on it.
- In the top line, click "Edit", in the drop-down menu, select "Free transformation".
- You will see that the layer is surrounded by a frame with markers. They will help us to change its apparent size.
- Working with markers (small squares on the frame) begins by pointing to one of them the cursor and clamping the left mouse button.
- How can I change the size of a layer in Photoshop? Pay attention to the markers on the sides of the frame: drag one of them to the center of the document - the visible image of the layer from this side will decrease, from the center - will increase.
- Markers on the corners of the visible picture of the layer: by pulling them to the center or from the center of the image, you will immediately change the size of the two sides adjacent to that corner.
- If you need to set certain parameters forwidth and length, then write them accordingly in the fields "Ш" and "Д". Most likely, by default you have percentages set here. Units of measurement (pixels, centimeters, millimeters) can be selected by clicking the right mouse button (PCM) on any of these windows.
- To leave the changes made, click on Enter. A tick in the toolbar will help to save them.
- Undo changes - click on the crossed out circle, which is visible next to the checkmark on the same toolbar.
How to change the size of a layer in Photoshop: hot keys
Consider "hot" combinations, noticeably speeding up the matter:
- Ctrl + T - call the Free Transform tool.
- Ctrl + "-" / "+" - decrease / increase the scale of the layer being changed.
- How to change the size of the layer in Photoshop, keeping the proportions? Hold Shift while working with markers - the sides of the image will increase / decrease proportionally.
- In order for the sides of the image to vary in proportion to each other, you can click the "Chain links" icon on the desktop.
- Alt clipping when working with markers - the length and width will vary with respect to the center of the image.
- Holding Shift and Alt while working with markers - the sides of the visible picture will change in proportion to each other, and relative to the center of the image.
- Esc - quick reset of the changes made.
![how to change the size of a layer in Photoshop](/images/kompyuteri/kak-izmenit-razmer-sloya-v-fotoshope-poshagovaya-instrukciya-opisanie-i-rekomendacii_2.jpg)
Using the Navigator
Describing how to change the size of a layer in PhotoshopCS6 "and other versions (by the way, this operation is performed in the same way in all variations of the graphical editor), it's important to note the moment when working with changing a too large layer .The sign of it is that after calling the" Free Transformation "tab you do not see either frames, or markers-nodes.
How can I change the size of a picture in Photoshop?the case? In order to work with the document, it is only necessary to reduce its scale to such boundaries that the tools of free transformation can be seen. To do this, go to "Navigator" and slide the scale slider to the desired position. Save the changes and return to the transformation.
![how to resize a layer in Photoshop](/images/kompyuteri/kak-izmenit-razmer-sloya-v-fotoshope-poshagovaya-instrukciya-opisanie-i-rekomendacii_3.jpg)
Preservation of quality
Before changing the size of the picture to"Photoshop", pay attention to the fact that the quality of the layer that is enlarged in size can significantly suffer. To avoid this, we advise you to convert it into a smart object before the transformations begin:
- Click on the desired layer on the desired layer.
- In the drop-down list, select "Convert to Smart Object".
- Follow the diagrams presented in the subheadings above, all the necessary transformations, save the changes.
- Again, the RMB on the already changed layer - this time select "Rasterize ..."
![how to resize photos in Photoshop](/images/kompyuteri/kak-izmenit-razmer-sloya-v-fotoshope-poshagovaya-instrukciya-opisanie-i-rekomendacii_4.jpg)
As a result of these actions, all data onimages are copied to smart containers. Therefore, at least you can compress or enlarge the layer - if necessary, the graphics editor will take the information from there to restore the image in a qualitative way if it is enlarged. However, we advise you to add to the layers photos or pictures that do not differ greatly in resolution with the background - so they will look much more natural.
Change the size of the background layer
Talking about how to change the size of a layer in"Photoshop", it is important to add that the tool "Free Transformation" is suitable for all variety of layers, except the only one - background. In the palette you will recognize it by the characteristic icon "snap lock". If you did not change the order of the layers, it would be at the very bottom.
You can change its length and width in two ways:
- Click on "Image", in the appeared menu select "Image Size". Enter the required parameters for the length and width of the layer.
- Unlock the background. To do this, double click on it LMC, in the pop-up window click "OK". If everything is done correctly, the "lock" will disappear, and with the background you can work as with a normal layer - changing it by a free transformation.
![how to resize a layer in Photoshop cs6](/images/kompyuteri/kak-izmenit-razmer-sloya-v-fotoshope-poshagovaya-instrukciya-opisanie-i-rekomendacii_5.jpg)
Change the size of several layers at once
Consider how to change the size of the layer in Photoshop in this case:
- If the necessary layers are located next to each otheranother, select them LMC, holding Shift. Another option: holding your finger on this key, press LMB on top, and then on the bottom layer or vice versa. Stand out as they themselves, and the layers between them.
- In the case where the necessary layers are located in the palette unevenly, holding down Ctrl, select each of them one by one.
- Another way is to put all the necessary layers in the group and close it (the arrow next to the group name will "look" pointed side sideways, not down).
- After one of these manipulations, you will only have to call "Free transform" and change the size according to the debugged scheme presented above.
![layers in photoshop how to resize correctly](/images/kompyuteri/kak-izmenit-razmer-sloya-v-fotoshope-poshagovaya-instrukciya-opisanie-i-rekomendacii_6.jpg)
We disassembled all the ways how to changethe size of the layer in "Photoshop" of all versions with the use of "hot" keys and without them, for the usual layer, background and group of several layers. A bit of practice - and you will make this simple operation on the machine, without thinking about the features of its performance. Good luck in creativity and mastering this wonderful graphic editor!