Details on how to turn the photo in "Odnoklassniki"
Users of the social network Odnoklassnikiregularly have to face a serious problem. It occurs after new photos are downloaded. During this action, the image may be displayed in a mirrored form. At once there is a question: how to turn a photo in "Classmates"? In fact, do not get upset and lose your hand, because there is always a way out, and today we will tell you several ways that will help to overcome this problem.
Let's first consider the most accessible method,with which you can decide how to turn the photo on the computer, as all the actions in this process you will conduct using a graphical editor. Perhaps, some users have already understood what will be discussed now. Of course, it would be convenient to turn the photos directly on the social network itself, but for unknown reasons, developers did not provide this function.
So, we will turn over the photo withusing a standard graphics editor. It's called Paint. This tool is present on all current Windows operating systems, so you do not need to download it from the Internet. First of all, you need to open the image editor, then add to it the snapshot that you want to flip over. After that, select a special tool called "Select" and do just one click on the image. If everything was done correctly, then a pop-up menu should appear before you, where you should select the "Flip" option. Now you only need to choose the right direction.
So, you know how to flip the photo in"Classmates", while the process of working with a graphics editor does not require a lot of time. Everything is done in a few clicks. After the picture has been turned in the right format, you must save it, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.
Let us now analyze the second method, asturn the photo in "Classmates", and for this we will use Microsoft Office Picture Manager. I would like to say at once that this method is more complicated. However, if you turn just a few of your pictures through Microsoft Office, then it will be very easy to do this, the most important thing is to learn how to use the program correctly.
Open the application and download ityou can see the buttons of the coup on the toolbar. When you click on one of them, the picture will rotate in the direction you have chosen. Also, after all actions, the image must be saved.
Now you know how to turnphoto in "Classmates". You can choose one of them and use at any time. There are also services that allow you to flip the photo online, for this you will need to use graphic designers or online photohostings. In our opinion, these methods are quite suitable for solving the task.