How to close a profile in Odnoklassniki
In our daily life, the Internet burst rapidly. "Classmates" are one of the most popular and frequently visited social networks.

Recently, the number of registeredincreases. The site is visited by people of the older generation who have already achieved much in life. They are looking for their classmates, long-lost friends, relatives living abroad. This is a great opportunity to communicate at a distance of thousands of kilometers. Therefore, opening a profile in "Classmates" is a serious step for many users, a chance to communicate with those people who are expensive. Members List

On the site "Odnoklassniki" it is accepted to evaluate andcomment on the photos. And everyone, of course, wants the ratings to be the highest, and the comments are only positive. But it happens that an unfamiliar person will come and put a bad evaluation or leave a negative comment, which I would not like to see on my page. Any registered user can visit the profile. People are different, including not very educated. You can ignore such comments, but it's still unpleasant. And to protect users from such an incident, site administrators offered a service - close the profile in Odnoklassniki.
To date, the profile closure service is notis free. To do this, you must have money in your account. How to close the profile in "Classmates", you can find out on the site. Close the profile - this does not mean delete the page. It will be closed from

Now consider how to close the profile in"Classmates." We find under the photo, in the menu, the line "change settings". Then select "close profile", then a table appears, which indicates how much you want to pay. If you pay and confirm your decision, the profile is closed. Now you have a closed profile for outsiders. People who visit your profile will be able to see only the main photo and read the comments under it. You will be able to see who visited you, only if the visitor leaves a comment under your main photo. Having fulfilled all the requirements regarding how to close the profile in "Classmates", you can be protected from unwanted guests.