/ / Profession firefighter? It means - elected

Profession firefighter? It means - elected

In each country, the fire profession is surrounded by a romantic halo. Probably, there is not a boy in the world who in the early childhood would not dream of becoming a fighter.

profession fireman
But, growing up, the young men begin to representthe dangers of this work and do not really want to become a fireman. Those who dedicate their lives to saving people admit that they were attracted not so much by duties as by the romantic idea of ​​the profession. What should a person know who decided to embark on such a heroic path?

Profession firefighter. Personal qualities

To fight fire, save people, take riskstheir lives for the sake of strangers, strangers, you can not not have specific character traits, physical excellent data and a peculiar mindset. This is necessary not only for successful work, but also for preserving one's own life in an extreme situation. Profession firefighter obliges:

  • Constantly to be in fine physical form. To maintain it, in the fire departments conduct regular training, and the firemen themselves systematically pass certain standards.
    profession fireman inspector
    This is not a whim. The outfit of the firefighter leaving for the challenge weighs more than 30 kg. But he needs to storm the stairs, take out people, work with a hose.
  • Be able to make instant decisions, possessability to analyze, sharp mind and determination. Any doubt, any confusion in an extreme situation can lead to the death of a fireman, his colleagues or people affected by fire.
  • Possess very high stress resistance. Unfortunately, this profession implies that people can die in front of a firefighter. This should not prevent him from clearly and accurately acting, taking quick, but thoughtful decisions.
  • Have a quick reaction, be brave, courageous, ready to engage in a fight with the fire element at any time.
  • Be able to provide first aid.
  • Have a psychological training, be abletalk with people in stressful situations, have a good command of one's own emotions. At some point, the profession of a firefighter is equated with the work of a psychologist: the victims can behave inadequately.

Occupation Fire Inspector
firefighter jobs

If the fireman is a heroic work, the firemanInspector - a position of bureaucrat, but no less important. Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent trouble than to fight against its consequences. The fire inspector is called upon to do everything possible to protect the organizations subordinate to him and the people who work in them from fire. From fire inspectors it depends on whether people will survive at the moment of fire. The most terrible example of failure by the inspectors of their direct duties is the case in the club "Lame Horse". A fireman profession means the ability to risk oneself. The position of a fire inspector requires you to know a set of rules of the TUB, instructions, orders, laws, and other documents. Ignorance of them, irresponsible attitude to their duties, propensity to corruption can cause terrible troubles. Is the fireman in demand today? Jobs can not be found easily, but to get to work, you need to pass several interviews, tests. And it does not work for everyone. Only the elite can say about themselves: "My profession is a fireman."

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