/ / Taisiya Maslyakova: date of birth, family and creativity

Taisiya Maslyakova: date of birth, family and creativity

Taisiya Maslyakova - the youngest representative of the famous dynasty. And do you know how old the girl is, what she likes? If not, then we suggest you read the contents of the article.

taisia ​​oilyakova

A family

Taisia ​​Maslyakova was born in 2006. She is from a well-known and respected family. Her mother - Angelina Nabatnikova, graduated with a degree in journalism. Father Tasi does not need special representation. This is Alexander Maslyakov, Jr.. At one time he graduated from MGIMO, and now he holds the post of general director of TTO "AMiK". And also A. A. Maslyakov is the leading Premier League of KVN.

The girl adores her grandparents. As you guessed, we are talking about the permanent leading KVN Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov and his wife Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Creative skills

Our heroine can be called "star"baby. After all, she has everything the child needs for happiness: beautiful outfits, expensive toys, travel to different countries. But if you think that Alexander and Angelina are just doing that they are spoiling your daughter, you are very wrong. They are quite demanding in relation to it: from an early age Taisiya Maslyakova studies English and dances. Also the girl is engaged in a vocal in the well-known theater-studio "Neposedy". Teachers teach the girl a brilliant career, because she has the perfect ear and beautiful voice.

Taisiya Maslyakova in the KVN

Dad and grandfather constantly took our heroine fromyourself to work. Sometimes Tasia was behind the scenes, but more often sat in the hall next to her mother. The baby liked to watch how grown-up uncles and aunts dance on stage, show funny numbers.

In 2012, Taisia ​​first interviewedjournalists. This happened with the consent of the pope and grandfather. The girl was asked if she would like to become the leading KVN in the future. Tasia replied: "I have not decided yet. I want to become a singer. " The elder and younger Maslyakovs only smiled shyly.

taisia ​​oilyakova in kvn

In March 2016, many Russians could seewho grew up the granddaughter of Alexander Vasilyevich. Tasia, along with the guys from "Neposed" appeared on stage during one of the games of the 1/8 finals of the Major League. The children helped the MISiS National Team and GUU in the "Homework" competition. The guys from the theater-studio "Neposedy" made a parody of the contest "Voice. Children". And it turned out very funny.

Little lead

May 25, 2015 in the concert hall "Russia"important events took place. The focus was on the guys from the theater-studio "Neposedy." They took part in the charity concert "Adults and Children". On one stage with young artists, stars of domestic show business were performing. Among them are Soso Pavliashvili, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Oleshko, Larisa Dolin and others.

Taisia ​​oilyakova on the minute of glory

Leading the event were the theater's participants"Neposedy" - Cyril Pindzhoyan and Tasia Maslyakova. Our heroine felt confident on the stage. Many gathered in the hall noted her competent speech and the ability to work in tandem with another presenter.

The concert was attended by 7000 spectators. These are ordinary people, representatives of children's funds, and successful businessmen. All funds raised from this event were transferred to boarding schools and children's homes in the capital region.

Failure to speak

Previously, we talked about how talented anda purposeful girl is growing Taisiya Maslyakova. On "Minute of Fame" she could adequately perform and compete for the main prize. But the chairman of the jury of this TV contest is her beloved grandfather. And if Tasia wins, then all immediately speak about the blat and bribery. Therefore, the girl does not seek to get on this project.


Now you know when you were born and what kind ofTaisiya Maslyakova has the abilities. One can say with certainty: Alexander Vasilyevich and his son are growing themselves a worthy change. We wish Tas creative development and more excellent grades in school!

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