/ / The creative path of KF Yuon. Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo »

The creative path of KF Yuon. Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo »

picture Yuona Russian winter. Ligachevo

Russian Soviet artist KF Yuon lived a long and happy creative life, passed away at the age of 83 years. He created many beautiful works, amazing with a subtle vision of the surrounding life, its beauty. The artist was fond of different genres, be it a thematic picture or portraits of contemporaries, but his talent completely revealed in landscape painting.

Study and recognition

At the age of 17, Yuon passed exams and began to study at MUZHVZ. His teachers were Savitsky, Kasatkin, Arkhipov, Serov. Throughout his life, the artist did not have to fight for existence. Success in this field found him quickly, the canvases were sold out already in the student years, hardly having got to the exhibition. He even was able to travel to Europe and Russia, as a student. After graduation, he immediately started teaching, which earned him deep respect and appreciation among the students, among them were the sculptor VA Vatagin, VI Mukhina and others.

Yuon was not only a painter, but also a theatricalartist, graphic artist and art theorist. About him wrote critics and art historians - outstanding personalities of his time - the artist IE Grabar, the theatrical AM Efros and others. In turn, he himself delivered a speech as an art critic on the themes of the work of Russian artists, painting techniques and artistic education. Since 1904 he became a permanent member of the Union of Russian Artists.

painting russian winter Yuona

Themes of creativity and technique of the master

Great influence on Yuon, as on all membersSRX, had a painting of French Impressionist artists. However, having mastered its basic principles of "blurring" forms, it remains true to the traditions of Russian realism.

In the early period of creativity, as BM Kustodiev and AP Ryabushkin, looking for themes in the Russian way of life. His gaze riveted the motives of the village: the state of nature in the changing seasons, the provincial life of towns and villages, architectural monuments of ancient monasteries and churches. Everywhere he seeks beauty and joy, be it nature, where the rain shines, the snow glistens in the sun, or the life of a simple people with its bright clothes.

After the revolution

The artistic handwriting changed little and afterrevolution, only the topics have changed. To historical stories, Yuon also comes through the genre of landscape. His paintings are not only bewitchingly beautiful, but also bold. Representing the church, the artist, as if he does not notice the new government, which is bellicose towards believers.

The late period of creativity refers to his life inhis house near Moscow. Starting from 1908 until the end of his days, he works in the village of Ligachevo. Here, in his canvases, he sings the beautiful nature of the village and paints pictures, recalling the poetic images of old Moscow, where his life lasted.

Russian winter picture ligachevo

The writing. Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo »

The canvas was written in 1947, at sunsetcreative path, now stored in the Tretyakov Gallery. It reflected all the love of the painter to the nature of his native land. It is here, in Ligachevo, his best landscapes are written. Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo is close to our Russian heart, you look at it, and it seems that you are involved in everything that happens. Quietly, peacefully and calmly becomes in the shower, and involuntarily you recall your childhood, its carefree time.

Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo "depicts a typical winter day, which slopes towards evening, it can be seen from the violet shade of snow in the thickets of trees. Cloth as it were divided in half, at the bottom where the road is, snow is white, above, snow becomes saturated due to the shade of trees, and the more of them, the more vivid the paint. Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo "is permeated with light emanating from fluffy flakes, it seems that even in the early twilight it will not be dark. The artist was very fond of depicting snow, and we can say that the whole plot comes down to him, because there is a lot of it. But how else, because the Russian winter-mother is famous for its heavy snowfalls!

Chanting Russian winter by poets and musicians

Painting Yuona "Russian winter. Ligachevo »sings the beauty of nature of the native land. Cloth as if singing to us about the wonderful time of the year. In the foreground of the picture in pairs, from one side and the other, birches grow. A little further away, the furry spruce hid, their paws sagged under the weight of a snow cap. The nature has plunged into a dream, there is no wind. Painting "Russian Winter" by Yuon radiates love, poetry and brings peace and tranquility.

composition picture Yuona Russian winter

On the hill of the background there is a village, wesee her wrapped in a white outfit lodges. The children are not in a hurry to go home, some are making snowmen, others are riding the mountain on sleds, some come back from a walk from the forest. If you can voice the canvas, you can feel and see in the music of PI Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons" "Winter. February. Carnival ", how they vyatsya, rejoicing the arrival of the winter-mother. Painting "Russian winter. Ligachevo "brings such poetic lines:

The Old Hut
All in the snow stands.
Grandma the old woman
From the window he looks.
Knee-deep in the snow.
I enjoyed the children
Quick Sled Running ...

The poem was written by the poet Alexander Blok,picture "Russian Winter" Yuon is very consonant with these lines. All the canvas is impregnated with musical poetry, and I want to exclaim: "How good it is in winter in the native land!"

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