/ / Grigory Leps: nationality, creative biography

Grigory Leps: nationality, creative biography

Honored Artist of Russia, popular singer, composer, performer andproducer Grigory Leps in the Russian show business is one of the most outstanding personalities. Therefore, very often people are interested in the question, who is Grigory Leps?

His nationality also raises many questions. It is worth noting that Leps is a deeply religious person, in his house there are, according to rumors, up to 150 Orthodox icons. He can be called a lucky beggar, and now we'll figure out why.

Gregory Leps nationality

Grigory Leps: nationality, biography

Lepsveridze Grigory Viktorovich was bornJuly 16, 1962 in the resort city of Sochi. Father - Victor Antonovich worked at a meat-packing plant, mother Natella Semenovna - a nurse. The singer's native sister's name was Eteri Alavidze.

What was Grigory Leps like in his childhood? His nationality, as clarity, is Georgian. As a child, he was distinguished by his restless and turbulent character, as, indeed, many of his peers. True, he was a schoolboy at school, but he was very passionate about football and music. At the age of 14 he went to study at the music school for a percussion class.

Then there were the army years in Khabarovsk. On his return to Sochi, Leps begins to work as a musician on the dance floors of the city, then in the Riviera Park or in restaurants.

Gregory Leps songs

In the late 80's he became a soloist of the group"Index-398". And in the early 90's began to sing in one of the restaurants of the hotel "Pearl". The audience began to gather at Leps. Among the holiday-makers there were often such celebrities as Gazmanov, Rozembaum, Shufutinsky, Kalyanov, who advised him to go to Moscow. Leps never felt a passion for wealth, and he earned even for those times a lot of money every day, so he easily spent them.

Moscow, the beginning ... 1992

But then he decided not to waste his talentin vain and went to conquer Moscow. At that time he was 30 years old. The capital does not much like visitors, and Leps immediately felt it. Here he turned out to be of no use to anyone, he began to drink, gained weight to 100 kg, in general, looked, to put it mildly, very badly, and the people who promised to help him immediately disappeared somewhere. However, while the singer did not live in poverty, he continued to make money in restaurants.

After many failures, he, in collaboration withManshin, Kobylyansky and Dolzhenkov records his first debut album "Keep You Alone". Then there was a song and a video of Natalie. From this the star path of the great maestro began.

Grigory Leps family

And then in the midst of work because of the stressfulgraphics and excessive drinking, the musician became very ill and was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of pancreatic necrosis and already thought he would never see white light. But God was merciful, he was operated. Doctors strictly forbade him to drink. Since that day, he has really stopped drinking alcohol. Fear of dying young overcame, he lost 35 kg. But another blow to Leps's health was waiting for him in 2008, when he had a bleeding ulcer, but Leps also coped with this illness.

In 1997, his new album "The Whole Life" was released, and Leps first participated in the music festival "Song of the Year-97". In 1998, for Christmas meetings, Pugacheva himself invited him.

A little later the audience will admire his talent at a concert dedicated to Vysotsky, where he will perform the song "Parus" in a very original way. After his collaboration with Alexander Solokha begins.

The big stage since 2000

And then it raced, went: solo concerts, recording of albums and clips. In 2000, he again undergoes surgery, only on the vocal cords. But everything worked out, and again he performs and in 2001 he receives the "Chanson of the Year" award.

Grigory Leps, whose songs are already impossiblecount, can rightly be called the king of the hit. What are his duets with Alegrova standing for? "I do not believe you" (2007), with Stas Piekha - "She's not yours" (2007), Rosembaum - "Gop-Stop" (2008), Meladze - "Turn Back" (2010) , Timati - "London" (2012), etc., not to mention his numerous solo albums and concerts.

He is the owner of many prestigious awards and awards, as well as honorary titles. In 2011, President D. Medvedev awarded him the title of "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

Leps Gregory Victorovich

Grigory Leps: family

If we talk about the family life of the artist, histhe first wife was Svetlana Dubinskaya, with whom they studied at the music school. In this marriage, daughter Inga was born (1984), now she lives in the UK. But after a while they got divorced. The second time Leps married in 2000 on Anna Shaplykova - a dancer from the ballet of Laima Vaikule. Now they raise three children: Eva (2002), Nicole (2007) and son Vano (2010).


What is interesting, according to Forbes magazine, only toIn 2011, his income was 15 million US dollars. However, not only music was played by Grigory Leps, whose songs were played on all radio stations and television, he turned out to be also a good businessman, as he became the owner of restaurants in Moscow and Kiev, began to manufacture points under his brand.

The United States, it's over, the singer could not forgive such a thing,so he was accused of mafia connections and blacklisted non-entry. Leps has no bills in America, no property, so he took these accusations as the irony of fate.

Gregory Leps nationality

The singer has an unusual timbre of voice,if I may say so, growling. "Pop song with elements of rock," as Grigory Leps himself said about his style. Nationality played a big role in the life of Gregory. It should be noted that the most musical and subtle music is played by Georgians on the stage. An example can serve as brothers Valery and Konstantin Meladze, Soso Pavliashvili, Tamara Gvartsitye and, of course, Leps Grigory Viktorovich.

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